
@Neo Deus: Supposedly there's some percentage of the population that wrongly thinks they're viewing HD programming.

Hope this post stays up at the top of the main page as a featured post for a bit. Dean's work really serves as a great comprehensive introduction to Kotaku. Now get that man a hashtag cloud!

@(Starman) 258, Brigadier-General of the FireWire Battalion: I have a 37" Magnavox LCD, purchased in 2007. Shamefully, I'll admit to owning the HD-DVD add-on for my 360; I occasionaly buy a movie, new, delivered from Amazon for $3. Yes, I know I'll run out of decent movies soon. But I'll never forget watching Planet

@Neo Deus: Yeah, but the statistics for the G.P. are widely available, with the percentage of US households, for instance, crossing the 50% threshold last year for the first time. What will be interesting is to see the difference between that baseline and Kotaku's readership (not that this survey is all that

@MaliciousH: My dad was a fairly early HD adopter, and bought a 42" 4:3 tube HDTV. When he got married a few years back, we had to move it upstairs in his new house, and it was like moving a stone block up the face of a pyramid. We used ropes, planks and towels, and it was a miracle it didn't go tumbling down the

@swimmingninja: Still not a Dew fan, but it's better. But man, had a throwback Pepsi the other day, and I nostalgia'd hard. Took me back to drinking Pepsis (in bottles) with my cousins out of my grandpa's refrigerator dedicated to sodas, in his garage. Thanks, gramps!

@legendnthemaking: Congratulations, guys... and may your home be a joyous one. I'm afraid I'll have to go, I've got something in my eye.

@cokefan999: The one time I had gotten two questions wrong in a row with the instant answer bonus and decided to purposefully fall on my sword to get the achievement for doing so a third time, and I was too slow... I really don't like getting a wrong answer on purpose. 'Low Rider' is the only one I'm missing.

@Sonira: I say old chap!: My condolences. There's nothing quite like the relationship between a pet and someone who grew to adulthood with that animal's companionship. Make sure and stay with him at the vet's, as it is very reassuring.

@KindaGamey: If you have a hard drive and the space, install the disc and it only needs to spin to verify that you own the game. I do this for any game I'll be playing constantly, and I delete it when I'm through.

@Shrewsbury: Some games aren't practical to play on a netbook. I'm not buying a mouse just to play games on my netbook. Canabalt is fine, but for games that use a mouse, a touchpad is a poor substitute. Also, I like gaming from the couch, not an office chair.

@Duuuuuuude: Get it's number? Half the Saints consummated a relationship with the Annabel Chong.... er, I mean Vince Lombardi trophy tonight.

@Megamoppy: Cos is a crotchety scold these days (he should probably earn royalties on that Pants on the Ground song), but he gets a lifetime pass for Himself and Fat Albert. And even as a scold, he produced 'Bill Cosby Talks to Kids About Drugs', which, Kids: Protip: is the funniest thing ever, when you're high and a

@mikomi15: Can't we just be adults? It's a name, people. A name.

I would love to have some idea of how much time it took to run these simulations. Loved the article. I haven't played a football sim since the 2K days, but I love how for the most part these simulations aren't that unrealistic, even when the situations are. And I love how Owen brings a sports reporter's eye to what at

@deanbmmv: Well I nominated for COTW with a note that it might be more appropriate for a speakup. I'm not a big hashtag user myself, but I do like what they've done with that one.