
It's a schooner. If you're colorblind, it's a sailboat. I can't see shit.

@OrtizDupri: That is terrific advice that I will do my best to ignore.

@NeöStarr: Predictable or no, I think this is a good direction for the show. I don't see how they can manage keeping Dex as sypathetic as he has been, unless he's giving up his dark passenger; disappearing all the time was bad enough this season, even if he was tailing a monster; but with his increased responsibility

The clunky interface is all that's keeping me from overspending on Rock Band tracks (more than I already have). So I'm good.

@FutureShock: I've only played the demo of Brutal Legend, but I was shocked by Jack Black's vocal work. It is the best acting he's done in years, where he's playing a character, and not just inserting his persona into the framework of a movie (I loved him in Be Kind Rewind, but he was still the same old Jack Black).

@Pudgie'sSmokerGivesAGoodTongueing: Slate, Pitchfork and Popmatters, i09, BoingBoing, Facebook and Twitter. Once a week, I check out Postsecret and Lastplanetojakarta.

Now playing

@Chesu: Not everyone can have snow days. But everyone can have 'Snow Days' by the great Trip Shakespeare.

@H.A.L.: By scented I mean essentially the same as 'flavored'. Meaning a flavoring agent has been added. Earl Grey has oil of bergamot added. But it can also mean horrible vanilla-raspberry concoctions.

@Rugdog: For the most part, scented tea is also unacceptable. With one exception.

Owen drinks flavored martinis!

@MosallahNejad: Kotaku is the first site I really got over the hump with. I commented several times on Slate, and even earned a star, but that's a demanding sort of commenting, considering I'm at work when the iron is hot. I also tried at The Onion AV Club, but I don't follow that site obsessively enough to do

Though you should never, ever drink flavored coffee, somehow hazelnut seems the most acceptable flavor. Maybe that's because I lived in West Germany during my prime chocolate eating years. But seriously: don't drink flavored coffee.

I applaud you on your maturity, Shiraz, and congratulate you for the impending arrival of Mini-bard. My only concern is that you say your wife "doesn't understand what game collecting is about". When having this sort of debate, it's important that you both make the effort to understand how each other thinks and feels,

B. Crecente never sleeps, as Thanatos' mother's brother's son is Morpheus... or, more simply, 'cause sleep is the cousin of death.

I've spent a lot of time thinking about doing it, because I can't stand Comcast. It's mostly basketball that keeps me from doing it, as the Sacramento Kings don't have a lot of their games televised on the local station.

@walls99: Well, I think part of the problem was my use of "my kids' mother", aka baby mama, which could imply that I don't have a strong relationship with my kids. And there are a lot of dads out there who don't, and who are deserving of scorn. So I figured I'd clarify, and explain. And ultimately, maybe it would turn

@walls99: We each buy stuff for the kids; we have equal custody. We both buy clothes, school supplies, food, etc. They have toys, games, books, etc. at each home. There's no particular reason why I would give my ex something of mine that I use, and the Wii isn't a present for the kids now, and wasn't a present for the