
@jack2pot: There's not a direct relationship between promotes and stars. But that said, the more good comments you make and the more intelligent discussion you promote (or milk you cause to be spewed from nasal cavities), the more likely an editor will notice and grant a star, or another commenter will nominate you as

@Kobun: I'm all over the cookies. I'm sure technology is debasing and dehumanizing us in countless ways, but I love the internet and the many things (not just porn!) that it makes available.

@Dave Strife: I'm sure you're swamped with replies, but had to say thanks. Thanks.

@nerdrage32: I stole quarters from my dad too. On the one hand I regret it, but on the other, I'm jealous that your dad rolled his.

@(Zombie) Strom Thurmond: The first games I played, for the Atari 2600, were Combat, Air/Sea Battle, Pacman, Video Pinball, Asteroids and Yar's Revenge. The first game I bought myself was probably Pitfall, thus beginning my love affair with Activision, whose games for the 2600 just seemed to look and play a little

@Kobun: *drops fork, runs to the bathroom*

@peteer02: I'm only Level 15 or so... should I wait on the DLC?

@Kobun: I'd never heard of these (they're not Hubigquitous), but I see that they do ship them FedEx. I'm usually not a fan of lemon flavored items or pies. Have you had the Sweet Potato, Coconut or Chocolate?

@TalKeaton: Tie between sweet potato and pecan. Pumpkin is a champ, as well.

@Fernando Jorge: Usually they let you know if they're reporting a rumor, and if they jumped the gun, they'll say so. In their reviews they usually provide enough information that I can tell if I might disagree with their final assessment. So I'd say Kotaku is very credible.

@Dave Strife: I would love a Google Wave invite. I'm buddhathing@hotmail.com

@Countchokeula: I can't shake the impression that that... dead chicken... is being... born.

@Countchokeula: What in holy hell does that woman do with her giblets?!

@XINVADER: At least with the new commenting system, I know that the person I replied to will see that I replied the next time they log in. Now, if I see something interesting or hilarious, or if I have a question, I don't feel like it's useless to reply, even if it's an older article, like in the 'more about:'

@Rachel Fogg: Word of your shameful display has led me down the path to self-pollution, and now my unmentionables are soiled.

@Shinta: True... ever again.

@EDGE: I would love to see a new Blast Corps with all the modern amenities, or a Natal version of Seaman.

@Trey: I've been meaning to check out Attention Deficit. Weezer's new disc is stupid fun, and you can even order it with a Weezer Snuggie, or Wuggie, I guess.

One of the must underrated games of the year on the Xbox 360 and PS3 (and, I would imagine of 2008, on the PS2 and Wii), has to be Pinball Hall of Fame: The Williams Collection. It's overlooked because it's a niche product, and could be considered as a 'casual' game, but in terms of value and fun, the game deserves