
@bakura: Sorry, but no. If PS3 and 360 gamers were ever allowed to play online, the internet would instantaneously collapse upon itself. Otherwise, it's a consummation devoutly to be wished.

@Adonai2: ...to do it, to do it, to do it, to do it, to do it riiiiiight!

@rainofwalrus: I never played Mr. Do! so I would have to substitute Qix... I will have to see if I can find an emulated version of Mr Do! though.

@cyruss: It's not just Kotaku, I see errors like that in newspapers and magazines these days. And it's errors just like that one, where there's no misspelled word, just maybe an extra word, or the wrong word. Quite often you get a fragment of an earlier version of a sentence intruding upon the final verion. Editing

@dnafarfan: Can you imagine Logan, Jean Grey, Mario and Peach in a room together? You could eat the sexual tension with a fork! Or cut it with a spoon, or whatever it is that people do with sexual tension and silverware!

@Yossarian: Lately I've been playing the Pinball Hall of Fame Williams collection, which combines nostalgia with the new. Man, I love some of the old pinball machines lovingly recreated for this game. I've always loved pinball, and with the death of the arcade, and lacking the funds and space to buy IRL pinball

@Adam Holley: Hina Nartley is going to leave him? Whatever will he do?

Are you paying attention Nintendo? Where is my New Super Mario Bros. Wii online co-op/Princess Peach patch?!

@sci-fi_wasabi: Look: I'm sure Bloodrayne 3 will never hold a candle to Godfather 3, but I'll take it over a Garfield or Alvin & the Chipmunks sequel anyday despite my respect for Bill Murray and Jason Lee. I'll take an Uwe Boll movie over another Scary/Date/Epic Move. I'll take another wrecked video game adaptation

I personally find Uwe Boll to be entertaining. He's kind of like Ed Wood and Gary Busey all rolled into a garish, cheap and obnoxious package. I mean, any Uwe news item is going to guarantee a shitstorm in the comments page, which is good for business. The thought of an impending movie from Boll warms and circulates

@WhiteMåge: Unlike a lot of games that seem like there's a lot of time-wasting filler in the back half, Skies of Arcadia seemed to get better and better, with some epic, very strategic ship battles towards the end.

@DocFreeman: Dragon Age and New Super Mario Bros. Wii. Probably can't buy anything until after Christmas. Boo.

@Kobun: You're only punishing yourself with this senseless boycott.

@Kobun: Really, I would be giving it to her more so my kids and their stepsister can play (they can Xbox when they're with me), but I'm not bothered that she'll enjoy it, too.

@jayislost: I can't believe he had the audacity to use Mario 3 and 'meh' in the same breath like that. If it's like Mario 3, why didn't he buy 2 copies?

@Outkastprince: I even get a thrill from 0g achievements. I think that makes me an achievement slut.

@OmegaSpartan08: Female assassins seem like a no-brainer, but the problem is, with all the ass in assassin, there's no room for tits.

@Sonira - Katamari on the Wings!: I rarely eat breakfast cereal, but Cinnamon Toast Crunch is amazing. When I was a kid, in the 80's, it seemed that all the great, iconic cereals had already been created. Sure, new cereals came and went (especially crap versions of Cap'n Crunch in marketing tie-in shapes), but there