
@Kobun: I noticed the xbla reviews were not as high as I was expecting for Lucidity, but I haven't played the demo yet. I still plan on giving it a chance. What were your impressions?

@mpar: My name is Anton Chigurh and I approve this comment.

@OrwellJames: The main function of games is to provide gameplay. Narrative in a video game is analagous to special effects in a movie; it can add to or subtract from the overall experience (therefore making the review more positive or negative depending on how the experience of the film is enhanced). The same goes

@WhiteMage: No. Waited 25 minutes, and nothing. 15 minute window still in full effect.

@Rompehamster: I would say Tiramisu, but I could definitely go for a cup of chocolate caliente right now. One time I made ice cream with crushed bricks of Ibarra chocolate.

@WhiteMage: Can't edit my last comment from yesterday, about 20 hours ago... what time frame are you talking about? Did you refresh the page or reload it at a later time? What browser are you using?

@Sobersean: This is like Goblet of Fire all over again (when Rowling spells out how to pronounce Hermione, and I had been doing it wrong for years). And that sounds a bit like Square-Anus.

@fanboyps3: All I was pointing out is that pretty much everyone who has read enough to know that Obama won the Peace Prize is also aware of when the nomination period ended. It is not a hidden or unknown fact, as it has been an ubiquitous story on the news and on the internet (like the Kanye story, not sure quite

@Niomo: Everyone forgets that like they forget that Kanye West likes to interrupt people at awards shows.

@Outkastprince: Henry Kissinger and Yasser Arafat have won the Nobel Peace Prize. So they've done worse. And the tone of a lot of comments on the award seem to blame Obama for being nominated for/winning the prize, which he had no responsibility for. That said, he should probably decline politely, declaring much work

Oh... and btw? Porn.

@fernandosolano: Bob Dylan contains multitudes. My god, he's full of stars. And while 'Visions of Johanna' (from Blonde on Blonde, 1966) edges out 'Don't Think Twice, it's Alright' as my favorite Dylan song, it's actually the next album he made, the stripped down John Wesley Harding(1967), that I prefer over any

@Methusalah: To me, the Go gained a whole hell of a lot in shrinking down to a size that is actually portable in a convenient way, meaning it comfortably fits in a pants or jacket pocket without causing bulge or making me list to the side. I love my GBA Micro, and the Go has me pining for a PSP in a way none of the