
@Kadin: High V back atcha. And stop holding those hugs so uncomfortably long!

@TheFlyingGerbil: I don't usually leave the front page because I check Kotaku fairly often, but I will definitely play catch-up if I've been away from a computer for a few days. A couple of times I've missed commenting when people will still see an article, but commented anyway, in an epically ridiculous manner, on

@hot_heart: Uncharted 3: Hangin' With Cheney

@Sir-Lucius does anything for Dethklok: I nearly passed out, I came so hard when I saw the trailer for the first time in the theater... Maurice Sendak, Spike Jonze, Arcade Fire...

@Yossarian: I see I'm not the only Kotakuite with a thing for Rachel Fogg/curse_lily slashfic.

@Kusanagii: Work for a couple of hours, then start blowing on cartridges!

@jellotek: Yeah keep the name. That way, we can avoid post-Natal depression.

@Hey_Blinkon: The pricing answer was 'no shit', the answer about the offiicial name for Natal was actually more dickish than a Bobby Kotick response.

@Archaotic: Microsoft definitely is going to have to prove themselves with Natal. As much, I think, to the casual Wii/iPhone crowd as to the type of gamer (I refuse to say hardcore) that frequents Kotaku. I'm willing to listen, I will definitely keep my eyes open for a 'killer app', but I'm certainly not going to

@Yossarian: See, you're actually offering criticism, and you actually read the article. My quarrel is not with you. My beef is with people who do not read the article and yet feel the need to comment on it. How can you even decide what the proper length is for an article you haven't read?

@Clive Bavels: I have no issue with someone who has read an article criticizing it. And I certainly have no with someone deciding that they don't find Tim Roger's or another writer's style to their liking, or not reading an article because they don't have the time. It's the inevitable chorus of 'tl;dr' comments that

@Komrade Kayce: I remember constantly having an indelible, coprophagic rictus grin for weeks after upgrading to HDTV. If you have a PS3, make sure to pick up a copy of Planet Earth on Blu-Ray. Incredible.

I really wish Owen had waited until the end of the month before making his 'Cleveland Steamer' comment about this month's TAY painting.

So, Tim Rogers has been contributing for a while now, and for those that read Kotaku regularly, it is common knowledge that a Tim Rogers article will be long and rambling, but also entertaining and engaging. Can we agree that in the event that Tim's articles are not to your taste, or if you do not have the free time

Too bad there's not a Stevie Ray Vaughn minifig to rock the lead guitar part. Although I guess that would be disrespectful. Awesome, but disrespectful.

@NeoStarr HD: I love this thread... thank you Neostarr!!

@zackek: it's actually the subtle little rythmic differences that are the hardest to adjust to. But you'll get there. They're actually easier than the regular RB hammer-ons.

@OrwellJames: I never would've been able to stop if not for FPS gum. 3 months, and going strong.