
@Dr Drew In The Hizzaaaay: Out of curiosity, what are you basing your judgment of the game on? Its Metacritic score is 76, which is not great but far from bad; its user rating, based on 17 comments, is 9.7. This is certainly not a game I've had my eye on, but that's why it's good that AJ reviewed it. Sometimes games

@deanbmmv: If Crecente's raven tresses were shorn by some temptress, I doubt he would be able to wield the mighty banhammer Mjolnir.

@deanbmmv: Do you ever get the sense that your on-again-off-again star commenter status is part of a larger conflict among the gods of Kotaku... A tempest-tempered lord of the deep Crecente scheming to bring all of your plans to a tragic end while all along, the grey-eyed goddess Owen Good vouchsafes your eventual

@Owen Good: My son and I share the same birthday (25 years apart), and I was born on Mother's Day. Somehow that's less gross than conception on Mother's Day. The less one ponders one's ultimate origins, the better.

@Archaotic: No game will ever match Molyneux's excitement level, but thank god he cares so much. Sometimes I wish he headed a first party team for Nintendo. If you could combine his ambition with the big N's perfectionism and willingness to iterate until everything works in a fluid and satisfying way, it is

@hismastersvoice: Not only is there a man in his fridge, but the man... is a STALIN


@jayislost: January can not get here soon enough!

@mintycrys is HOT for Bayonetta: I look forward to your essay. I like bright, colorful games myself. Viva Pinata is a favorite. Just a joy to behold.

@Kobun: I downloaded the demo but I was on my way out to hang out with my sister and help her set up her 360 & PS2 at her new house (her TV only has coaxial in, so it took a trip to Radio Shack). I was drooling over the screenshots and praying it controlled as well as it looks. Can't wait to play it today (I had

@legendnthemaking: Played a round of Civilization Revolution after rolling out of bed. Planning on some ODST and Fishing Girl later. Went to grab an image of Fishing Girl off Google Images and found this. Who knew this was a thing?

@deanbmmv: Figures. I originally tried to type the emoticon, but it wouldn't display (I think) because it looked like an empty HTML tag. Can't add an image to an edited comment, or I'd have done that. And naturally I screwed up the HTML, as everything was already going so well.

@Hoytzilla: $225 isn't bad... the smaller size is very appealing to me. There's a big difference between something I have to stick in my shoulder bag, and a device I can slip in my pocket inconspicuously. The last gaming device that I could do that with was my beloved Famicom edition GameBoy Micro. Go for it if