
@deanbmmv: I had moved on but I had to scroll back up because I'm still chuckling. Cheers, bon Homme!

So I ordered The Beatles Rock Band from Amazon. Paid for next day shipping. For some reason Amazon always puts up a front, like "Well... the game is released 09/09, don't know what time it'll be delivered, let's call it Thursday to be safe, so... estimated delivery Friday. They do this to mess with my head, I'm sure.

@Placentasaurus: Downloading it now. Looks like fun from the videos I've seen.

@pinshot: And I'll just be over here, trying to unsee that for the rest of the evening.

@This user was banned: Look, /K/roham, get your websites straight... but seriously? I would give the DS to your brother (I gave my phat to my sister, and my DS to my dad) and you'll always have a multiplayer buddy. If you've got a GBA then you're golden (I have a micro).

@Esper mind tricks: My first approved comment after much lurking. November 25, 2008, if I did this right. Looks like when I click submit, I will have made my 1,862nd comment on Kotaku. Jeez.

@deanbmmv: I'm not saying Owen didn't have a Lazy Sunday, but he notified us upfront tht he would be posting every other hour, and that there would be no weekend TAY.

@tim rogers: Wow... if Hard-Off were a hardware chain here it would deffo replace soft-off in my vocabulary. Having typed hard-off into the address bar in Firefox, I now know that there is such a thing as the HARDOFF HOME PAGE, as well as the HARD OFF CORPORATION CO,.Ltd. I am surely richer for having obtained this

@tim rogers: I worked in coffee shops for many years, from before the time when they were ubiquitous, and used to drink espresso made from Ethiopian Yirgacheffe from latte glasses... I would not recommend this as a method of increasing one's attention span.

@Xaxir: But the people who do understand gaming conventions will understand how to turn tutorials off, if given the option. It is highly unlikely that those unfamiliar with gamin conventions will accidentally turn tutorials off.

@tim rogers: Forever in the past tense, used by a human, is a finite term, although perhaps superfluous. It would be better to say, simply, ever, thus refraining from implying that one might bd immortal and present at a point of creation that is ever receding from the present in time as the result of an expansion of

@NoelVeiga: What if the game did a simple check to see if you had used the 'run' button or whatever relevant feature... and if you have used it, skips the tutorial for that feature?

@Eternalbl: I prefer Corn Chex and polenta... and Cinnamon Toast Crunch is the greatest cereal ever... though I seldom eat breakfast cereal anymore, and I never feed it to my kids... Their favorite breakfast is steel-cut oats with cinnamon, honey, brown sugar and almond extract (two drops) with a bit of cream and a

@tim rogers: And what does that have to do with anything?

Thomas Pynchon, in Gravity's Rainbow, clearly established that the opposite of a hard-on is a soft-off. I remember this because I quite literally, for the first and to this point only time in my life, reacted with an unintentional spit-take to the term 'soft-off'. I hope that when I depress the F5 key, the rest of

@KillerBee: Totilo has been cos-mailed.

@MixMaster81: I'll probably pick up a PSP Go for BBS but I still want KH3! Announce it! You know SE has developers hard at work in a studio located inside a volcano somewhere...

I sure hope a current gen console KH3 is announced soon... Okamiden on the DS I understand... but KH3 will sell like hotcakes! Made of gold! 358/2 does not seem like it will scratch my KH itch, I don't have a PSP, and I'm running out of patience!

@Scotland: Facepalm... thought you were referring to sleep (cousin of death).