
@Kobun: *moves from PC to consoles*

@Scotland: Do you often come across automatic doors? I find light switches a more convenient tell. And books.

@Cheezsama: Is that a sword-emblazoned codpiece/iron mankini behind the name 'Deathspank' in the trailer? Yes, I believe that it is.

@sander_dutch: This isn't intended to speak to the characteristics of the gaming population in general, but of the Kotaku population. It's certainly not meant to mock the games that didn't do well. All of the games seem to have been chosen because they are highly regarded in their genre.

@kainzero: Maybe if GTA IV's dlc is ever released on the PS3?

@Antiterra: You're the breast arouuund... Nothing's ever gonna keep you down...

Something for the Wii, perhaps?

Interesting story, but I mean it as no criticism that it's write-up is in service of that awesome money shot at the end of Stephen Totilo flashing an 800,000MS smile whilst holding the replica sniper rifle.

@FillionSmythe: I have Kobun to thank. I was on the fence and he pushed me over (I broke all my bones, achievement!... yay!) with several comments on Kotaku. I really trust his opinion on XBLA and especially XBL Indie Games. There's not a lot of information available on the indies, and Kobun seems to try a lot of

@Phlet: I definitely agree that having a few people on your friends list that also have Trials definitely adds to my enjoyment. I know I'm not going to get to the top of the mountain, but I might be able to top my friends... and voila! shaving a few fractions of a second off my time becomes less abstract.

@Kobun: I didn't even know about the mini-games... It took me awhile to pull the trigger because of the 1200MS price tag right before Shadow Complex came out, but I'm definitely happy with my purchase. Moreso now, knowing that there are mini-games to relieve any frustration. It's funny how satisfying it can be to

@octalass: I never really figured we'd see anymore Okami after it underperformed on PS2 and the Wii. So if the word of mouth/review consensus on this stinks, I can just pretend it never happened. But we might get a very good handheld game, which may or may not lead to the current gen face-melting Okami sequel we all

@Shindokie: Oh my god, I would so buy a plushy of Chibiterasu!

@Archaotic: Just wait... someday this will have a budgetline edition where the boxart will have a picture of this boxart (including the original boxart for both PS2 games), and an additional logo or two. Then there will be no confusion.

Hunh... go figure... This type of creativity might get me to buy another sports game for the 360... the last one I picked up was NBA 2K6 (didn't know how easy the achievements were at the time, but I did shamelessly accept them). If I had a PSP I would be all over this game.

@'360 Fanboy: Kein Angst. I just don't see anything wrong with it. I should have added a smily, but I'm not much for smilies as I'm old.

@FannyRatLove: I got into some pretty suggestive IM'ing with a co-worker once on an intra-company system. They can access that stuff, but they generally need a reason to... i.e. someone was offended at something you sent.

@ddmeightball: There are 10 kinds of people in the world: Those that understand binary and those that don't.

@salaminizer: Fact: I am not working today, but I do visit Kotaku at work, and I'm reasonably sure I'm the only one, though there are other gamers. There are a few nerds. In fact there's a contingency going to Star Wars in Concert next month.