
@TookiGuy: Royal Hanadian Counted Police? I find Police to be very persuasive. Perhaps it is the tantric lovemaking performed by 1/3 of their number. Mmmmm... I love how you glow, blade of the Baggins'.

@haran_elessar: The costumer is always right. Just kidding, I was promoting your comment on merits anyway.

@Flashfire: Yeah, I c*n't take all that profanity.

@Calobi: D*ck, d*ck, goose!

@Rachel Fogg: I think I soiled myself while expressing my admiration for you.

@spinthelights: My living room and bedroom are one in the same, and I'm usually too lazy to change the futon into couch position if it's just me. So I sit on the floor to game (with my back supported by the bed) as well! It does have a nostalgic attraction, but it's so easy to knock my drink over.

@RockyRan: Agreed on Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts. Great fun and some of the best visuals I've ever seen. It's great that graphics tech has finally caught up with Rare, some of their older games haven't aged well, as they were trying to do too much. I still need to finish up, but between me and my kids, that game was a

@Maddogdw: Don't blame the actors... have you seen Liam Neeson in Ep. I? Lucas writes the lines. The principal actors of the original series are known to have thought the lines ridiculous, but at least they never had to say "There's always a bigger fish".

@salaminizer: Fact: Yes, I'm at work, rather than playing Tales of Vesperia.

@ddmeightball: I stopped checking other sites like Joystiq & IGN, for the most part. I agree with others that Kotaku can't cover everything, but I have other interests as well. I do check out sites like Gamasutra from time to time for more in-depth stuff, but I mostly visit Kotaku, Slate, the Onion AV Club,

@cokefan999: Shadow Complex (XBLA) and Viva Pinata

One day during lunch at my high school, my friend (and fellow gamer) had his lung collapse. He was of course hospitalized, and when he stabilized, I would go to visit him. He was hooked up to a machine which regulated the pressure in his lungs, and there was a little ball suspended in a tube as an indicator of

Why no SaturTAY love?

@buckeyes75: That's what I did, now I don't really game on PC, so I haven't pirated a game in ages. I could, easily if I wanted to mod my consoles, but I'm good.

@borrowedchief: I game on a 37" set with native 720p, which is fine at that size. I'll probably go a little bigger, 1080p, etc. in a couple of years, or maybe if 3D sets seem viable, have software support and don't cost a fortune.

@Paradox me: I do expect BC for the console's previous generation, though I personally can't get too upset with Sony as I never had a PS2. And for those that say just buy the old console, well I certainly don't want six consoles when the next gen rolls around. What I'm really concerned with, is the next generation's