First of all, HELL YES to stripper and sex worker rights.
First of all, HELL YES to stripper and sex worker rights.
“The White House was on lockdown after a woman hit a security barrier near the White House complex perimeter with a vehicle.”
Much like the metric system, I fear that measuring things in Jennifer Lawrences will never catch on in America.
“Paint me like one of your French military parades”
The guy is the inventor of Smartwater, pays $5 million for a bar-Mitzvah, thus proving his product does not make you smart.
Yeah, I read that line several times and maybe I’m just not, like, really smart or a stable genius, but I didn’t get it. I’ve seen better stretching and reaching in a senior citizens’ yoga class.
Weekend Jez has been pretty baffling lately.
Lol. This is all going to add up to a bunch of commenters getting perma-grayed for calling BS BS.
what the fuck is going on in this Dirt Bag? this is...messy at best
That was an absolutely straight-faced quote about rape.
Have a HAPPY HOLIDAY Joanna!
Ok Utah Dad, you should change your sect’s name so it sounds less like Moron.
this is the one crucial piece of info that is somehow always missing from any article about LulaRoe and its shadiness/inherent pyrmaid scheme setup. HOW DOES ANYONE THINK THESE CLOTHES ARE ATTRACTIVE? I call it the “i don’t want my husband to find me remotely fuckable anymore” look. really, does anyone think this shit…
Do women have to do all the emotional labor for relationships they’re NOT in, too?
As most Americans know, including, I hope, Donald Trump, Puerto Rico is part of America.
I tell my four-year-old daughter to “be careful” so often that I’ve abbreviated it to “caref.” It’s become an…
They aren’t disobeying the order. The order gives him discretion with existing troops.