I guess Zadie feels that white teeth should be sufficient.
The goal is to eliminate having to wash towels every day because no one knows which towel is theirs.
I just happen to be visiting my dad in Idaho when this happens. Not a huge eclipse nerd, but being able to do something special with my 82-year old dad is a treat.
Mom’s House, Dad’s House by Isolina Ricci was helpful to me.
I felt the same way, about not wanting to turn our son against his dad. His dad is an adoptee and my inexpert diagnosis is that he has difficulty respecting and trusting women. When we were married, we spent two trips trying to find his birth mother, and the emotional abuse hit peaks around those times. I also felt he…
It’s funny because it’s made up. The line about pointing his wanger at the moon was the giveaway.
“The company, named after the biblical version of paradise where things weren’t as great as they seemed...”
Do Dirt Bags not get the Dirt Bag tag? Dag; I am sad.
I am so tired of Tomi Lahren: this Anne Coulter 2.0 shtick is killing me inside. And what’s worse, she’s had all this exposure and people praising her opinion at a young age: as far as she’s concerned, she’s The Child What Come To Lead Us, with her unique insights that no one else could possibly have.
At this point who even cares?
hey world, winter is coming...for you.
I’ve had no children and I hate her too.
I had ONE child and it took three months before I didn’t look pregnant anymore. And then a year of working out with a personal trainer to be and look fit again. I hate Beyonce too
Lol, pretty close to my experience.
I worked for a health non-profit that provided health insurance information and advocacy. So many people who called said they truly believed that if they were diagnosed with a life-threatening disease, they could rely on their church and local civic organizations to help pay their bills. It wasn’t until they were…
You know, Uncle Ronnie didn’t even acknowledge that AIDS existed until a friend and work colleague of his, Rock Hudson, died from it. Maybe People Magazine can do a story about Lana Wood, and how she was driven into homelessness by her daughter’s cancer medical bills that includes a lot of photographs of her when she…
GoFundMe is the Obamacare replacement, fyi.
A great deal of GoFundMe goes to paying medical bills. Republicans like to pretend rising medical bills were the fault of Obamacare, even though people were subject to death panels and bankruptcy in the years beforehand. Like what was dealing with an HMO like back in the 1990s? Health care costs will still be rising,…