
Now it's Killing the Rising Sun. He's evolved from killing people to killing nation-states.

Can we just call this Hunger Pangs? Please?

The Sausage Egg McMuffin is okay, but as a broke-ass student, I found that the far more satisfying alternative was to get a Sausage McMuffin, sans egg, and a hasbrown. After applying some napkins to blot away the grease, you put the hasbrown on top of the sausage and eat it as a single unit.

I think that "Boaty McBoatface xD xD xD" would have been truer to the spirit in which the name was submitted.

Going to keep going with my quest to beat Zone 4 of Crypt of the NecroDancer. I've gotten much, much better at the game in the past few weeks, both in terms of recognizing and accounting for enemy patterns (seriously, fuck you, mini-mummies and goblin bombers) and in calculating risk-reward equations on the fly. Last

I was going to complain about the lack of Kremlin before I realized that it's not really a Cold War game. Set during the time period, definitely. Involving (depending on what deck you play) Cold War figures such as Stalin, Beria, and Molotov, yes. But it's more about the internal dynamics of the Politbureau than the

Haha, I only remember it because Krzhizhanovsky is ridiculously cumbersome and "Sigizmund" makes it somehow more difficult to say.

Konstantin Krzhizhanovsky, any relation to Sigizmund? I absolutely love the latter's work, and am always hungry for more Soviet science fiction.

It's such a fine line between stupid and clever.

That or a tense Lebanese family drama set during Ramadan.

I would kill for a game inspired by German Expressionist cinema.

I thought it was because, for whatever reason, stormtroopers all have American accents, while the officer corps has upper-class British accents.

Oh, Haisenberg!

I thought that that was what Tim and Eric was.

Crypt of the Necrodancer is about as perfect and enjoyable a game as I have played in recent memory. Distinctive enemies, a unique premise, a killer OST that is integral to gameplay, and a difficulty curve that feels challenging, but never unfairly so, all wrapped in a 32-bit roguelike package (and one where

Dammit, Patrick, that's my New Year's gaming resolution! You can't have it!

That reminds me of the David Cross bit about redneck accents in Shut Up, You Fucking Baby, where he says that when you go to rural Maine, rural California, rural Alabama, or rural Oregon, you will hear the exact same accent in a bar. Guess you'll also find the exact same flag, as well.

Darnielle's songs work as songs for you because they don't feel like they're written for you. Like, they're these remarkably specific things, usually rooted in his name-checking of geography, but you feel a kinship with the extremely specific emotion he's going for, and that' awesome.

Damn! Good luck!