
A minor one, but fuck APA citation style. It's working in my favor, because the in-text citations are "(Author Date of Publication)," so I don't have to look through all of these books to find the specific page that someone said a thing. However, it also means that as a reference tool, it's pretty worthless for anyone

You could always do the gamey thing Zorastrian players do and have a Norse person tutor your child.

I'm grateful to have such awesome friends. I have been happy to be there for them when they need it in the past, and I know that they will be there for me when the time comes.

Playing a lot of Binding of Isaac for breaks between paper-writing. The sessions always go on much, much longer than I anticipate and I end up feeling guilty about procrastinating, but goddammit, I'm on a good run right now (seriously, I beat the Chest as ??? this weekend during one of these procrastination orgies).

Continuing to dick around with some ideas for goofy internet sci-fi fiction stuff. Supernatural Operation Paperclip? Sure! A demon-tiger stalking the Library of Babel? Why the hell not? Tattoos as sigils for spells? Throw it in!

Goals Thread
What are your goals for this week? Have you had any success in meeting goals that you set for yourself earlier?

I have some experience with roguelikes and generally find them to be enjoyable. It's more that Sunless Sea has a very linear set of stories that only unfold when you visit certain places. Like you said, you end up playing the same basic story missions while you try to grind your way up to a decent ship/amount of fuel

It has many layers. Like an onion-y raisin.

Fallen London is great (and their subscription thing is awesome and, with the monthly content they've started adding, super worthwhile). Sunless Sea has an awesome, linear story that… doesn't jive super-well with the one-life system, honestly. If any game could benefit from a life system, I would say it would be SS

At least the GBA games had a fairly effective anti-save scumming feature. From what I understand, there was a randomized set of values for whether or not you successfully hit/dodged that was put done at the start of every level. So your shaman just died because they didn't dodge that arrow? Just reload it and - oh

It seems like there are three versions of games that have a life system: ones that do it out of tradition, games that do it to hoover money out of your pocket via microtransactions, and games that do it for no raisin.

The Dumbing of Age commentariat have bravely taken up that awful, awful torch.


Enh, I think it was a few versions ago that someone pointed out that the list is less "Games You Might Not Have Tried" and more "Games You Might Have On Your Wishlist, But Won't Purchase Until The Next Steam Sale." The last truly great one was, in my opinion, the Halloween episode ("Games Your REALLY Might Not Have

Just the Chest with ??? on Binding of Isaac: Wrath of the Lamb, so except for a few odds and ends, I am effectively done with this game. Thanks, BoI, you provided me with nearly a hundred hours of enjoyable content, and for that, I thank you.

It came out last year, but has anyone followed Wytches? I stopped reading after the third or fourth issue because 1) monies 2) it wasn't really gripping me. It seemed like it had a lot of potential, though. In particular, its depiction of witches (or wytches, I guess) was one of the more memorably terrifying things

The artwork remains spectacular, but with the exception of the Robot storyline, it all seemed a bit meh this year. Plus, I'm getting to be pretty damn sick of the "introduce secondary character-characterize secondary-throw secondary character into the meat grinder-feels" rut that was only exacerbated this year.

Yes! Gunnerkrigg is one of, if not the, best, webcomics I have read. I remember cheering at the end of Coward Heart, and have fallen in love with all of the characters to one degree or another (except for Boxbot, who is terrible).

Fuck forgetting to do my goals thread this week. It's not like it's a big thing or even has been going particularly long, but people had been reacting fairly positively to it. Plus, there was someone who promised to report back on how they were dealing with some low-key alcohol issues. As someone who has dealt with

I cried at Thane's death in ME3, I cried at Lee's final conversation with Clementine in The Walking Dead, I cried as I finished the Pacifist route of Undertale. I cry at video games a lot, is what I'm saying.