
I can see that, although I think that the shift to more universe building and self-referential works has allowed the site to thrive more as a community and develop a stronger sense of possibility in story-telling. At the same time, tighter continuity means a greater time investment for people who aren't familiar with

The subreddits about rats are fantastic and adorable. Weirdly enough, 4chan has rat threads that are consistently civil, with people mostly gushing about their pets. Something about owning vermin seems to make people kinder.

Not to be all sealion-y, but as a sometimes contributor to that site, I'm curious how you mean.

It mostly stopped being horror c. 2012, honestly. I like the new stuff,
but yeah, if you are looking for creepy stuff, it's pretty sparse
nowadays. The contest theme for the coveted SCP-3000 slot was "horror,"
which produced some pretty great stuff.

I remember thinking that "phlebitus" was just a goofy, made-up Futurama-ism, based solely on Nixon's delivery of that word.

There was actually a MovieBob thing this week where he talked about Logan and why it worked as a grim n' gritty deconstruction of X-Men movies. He said that it boiled down to the fact that that they had earned it; after nearly twenty years and something like seven films, there was some there there. Same deal with the

Yeah, I remember a kind of bittersweet feeling that I hadn't experienced since that one episode of Pokemon where Ash releases Butterfree.

He appreciates Digimon on a much deeper level than we do.

Who told you about my Baby CEO spec script!?

If he'd lived longer, Gram Parsons.

Iirc, they mention that episode by name in the comics. It plays when Dan and Laurie try and fail to have sex the first time.

History of Byzantium is pretty fantastic as well, picking up right as Duncan's History of Rome ended. Pierce does these multi-episode retrospectives at the beginning/end of each century, which are always useful. He goes above and beyond in terms of providing context, sometimes spending whole episodes explaining the

I, for one, am excited about his upcoming book about the Gracchi, Sulla, Marius, et. al. It's something I've already heard (twice now), but the prospect of reading now-Duncan cover material from five-years-ago-Duncan is pretty interesting. Plus, an accessible book on late Republican Rome? Count me in!

Hey, Superjail! is great. I haven't seen anything past the first two seasons, though.

"And when Herriman is at the height of his command of a full-color Sunday page, there's nobody that can touch him in the history of the newspaper strip."
I beg to differ. Windsor McCay's "Little Nemo in Slumberland" is by far the best Sunday comic, in my opinion. And if you want to talk about meticulous, look no

"I’m going to amuse myself between seasons by writing Mariah and Shades erotic fan fiction."

J.K. Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson.

That's doubly absurd, as eXistenZ is the obvious reality-warping film of choice.

It's never fully addressed, but the last episode (NOT REALLY SPOILERS), Mariah speculates it was more because Cottonmouth wanted her to be "all in," rather than any actually need.

It's pretty great. There's the novella Godwalker that Stoltze did with some of the characters from the fluff (The Freak is a major character, and two of the others are from the New Inquisition). Then there's also the fact that you can now preorder stuff for the third edition!