

I have one of the Dawn of War games on my account… I need to play it some time.

He even issued a correction about misquoting Battlestar Galactica in History of Rome.

Dammit, I was going to suggest Revolutions! Mike Duncan's wit is extremely dry, which especially comes out in his descriptions of the later French Revolution.

I think that the criticism extends to WarCraft and Warhammer (the original) as well. And honestly, 40k itself is as much a rip-off as StarCraft (Tau are Confucian Gundam pilots, Tyrranids are Xenomorphs, and most of the other races are just "[WarHammer race] in SPAAAAAACE"), and takes itself way too seriously.

Making me choose between Undertale and Hotline Miami 2 for best soundtrack is monstrous! Monstrous, says I!

I haven't played StarCraft since Brood Wars, but I have followed the story a bit. What I really want to know is: what classic or popular sci-fi properties does it pay homage to/blatantly rip off from?

Yeah, Lil' Bub's owner seems fairly legit; most of the filming/photographing of her is either done in his home or somewhere nearby-ish, and he seems legitimately attentive to her health. Plus, from what I understand, he donates most of the money he makes to animal shelters, which is cool.

Gameological is the best. The sub-group of dedicated and thoughtful gamers is one of my favorite aspects of the site.

Viking start is best start.

I tried to play yesterday. I rolled up a lucky, depraved pansexual drifter. He was promptly killed by a cave rat.

Yeah… I- yeah…

Beat Hook and HexCell, two minimalist puzzle games I found on sale on Steam. Seems that now all I have time for is minimalist puzzle games.

I guess that this is old news, but I didn't see this thread last week. Anyway, I met with one of my thesis committee members, who seems very excited about my project. Now I just need to read ~2000 pages of secondary sources, draft an outline, translate ~ 80 pages of material, and make sense of it all.

I sort of want to play Trace Italian. Maybe not to the extent that those two kids in the book played it, but still.

Wait, holy shit, that was this year!? Damn.

Oof, yeah, I can relate. My family has a history of, let's say "functional alcoholism," and I live right next to a liquor store, so I have made a spot in my weekly routine for "get a six pack on Monday, drink my way through it by Wednesday." But then there's the hard days and the days where you're bored and so…

Turned in my final paper and gave my final presentation for a Program Evaluation class that I almost gave me panic attacks at the beginning of the semester. Now all that is left is two more papers (and all of the associated reading, which I still need to do) and a little bit of translation work, then I'm done for the

Goals Thread
What are your goals for this coming week? Have you made any progress on last week's goals? Do you have any goals for the coming month?

Just a potluck that I've thrown the past two years for fellow students who are stuck in rural Indiana for the holidays. Last year and this year I had/am having Thanksgiving dinner with my SO's family, hence the weird date.