
And in the Euston Tavern you screamed it was your shout

Trying Opera Omnia, a puzzle game by the creator of English Country Tune and Puzzlescript that I first read about several years ago on this very site. It's an interesting game where you play as a historian modeling population changes and migration. It's also frustrating, as the instructions are often unclear and do

Found out that a friend of mine was apparently drinking on the job a few weeks back. Now her coworkers, who are also friends of mine, are pissed and possibly are looking to get her fired.

Made a shitload of stuff for Friendsgiving, which was last night, including slow cooker chicken, paprika smashed potatoes, sauteed turnips, and cream of potato soup.

Goals Thread

You'll go blind if you do that too much.

There's always some people talking about that, but basically everything on the site is under Creative Commons, meaning that people could copy it for free.

Looking at the (newly revamped) TVTropes page for Star Wars, they note that the rivalry between the Imperial navy and army is pretty intense. For example, both have their own separate TIE Fighter forces, but iirc, the navy gets all of the glory even though the army's fighters are the ones who do most of the work. It

Yeah…. More excuse to marginalize an already marginalized group, leading to more radicalization. Fuck.

Donald Trump, maybe? I think that Mike Huckabee was upset about it too.

Any reason for the redecoration?

Made stromboli for the first time. Not bad, for sure, but I want to make it longer next time, rather than just have a clump of what is basically rolled-up pizza.

Binding of Isaac for those "I'll just take a break - hey why is it dark all of a sudden!?" moments.

Neat, how much space'll that clear up, physically?

Goals Thread
I don't think that this has been done before, but if it has, apologies. Anyway, have any goals that you've set for yourself in the past week? What are they? Have you taken any steps to realize them? Ideally, shorter-term stuff, but if you want to track your progress in turning your life around, then more

No writing other than class stuff, but I'm starting to make the connections between various random interesting ideas I've had in the past. Hopefully these connections will actually coalesce into a story that is actually interesting in its own right.

Got my stupid rent situation sorted out with the landlord. Basically, they overcharged me $50 for the past two months, and so are crediting that towards my rent for next month. Plus, I talked to the people at the credit union, and they agreed to waive the transfer fees from savings to checking that came about because

The canned coffee you can get in Asian convenience stores (e.g. Mr. Brown's) is fantastic.

Carrot juice! Whenever the Healthy Acres (I forget the name) stuff in little plastic bottles goes on sale for $1.50 at Kroger, I always get some. Coconut water is pretty awesome as well.

The way that they're heading, probably Zynga.