
I've got a busy weekend which discourages longer gaming sessions, so I will continue to work my way through Wrath of the Lamb. This morning, I beat Cathedral for the first time, which was really cool.

Yeah. I remember years ago, Yahtzee said that his ideal setting would be the French Revolution, with the Assassins being on the side of the revolutionaries. It would be interesting to see the zeal of the Assassins actually have pretty cataclysmic effects. Instead, what we got was "Robispperie was a secret Templar!!!1"

Awesome, I'll check it out when I get a chance!

Guess I'm a bit late, but I didn't learn about this until after I logged off the AV Club earlier today.

In terms of exercising, I'm going to shill for rock climbing. If you have
a gym and the money/time, it's crazy fun and a pretty great workout to
boot. Although time constraints have basically reduced my workout regime
to "bike to and from school," I used to rock climb pretty frequently. The ability to track your

Somewhere, an anthropologist is rubbing her hands together, and she doesn't know why…

Trying Red Shirt. It's fine, I guess. Basically, it's a facebook and Star Trek simulator where your goal is to work your way up the ranks so you can get the hell off of your space station before it explodes.

I dug the pithy/clever/weird footnotes about Lord G______'s penchant for Satanic magic or whatever. It seemed like a less aggressive way of doing necessary world-building than simply having a character say "As you know, Lord G_______ had Satanic rituals at his estate in Cornwall."

Wow, now that I know that this is when TI comes out, I can get in and comment before there are a thousand comments. As I'm writing this, there are a paltry 810.

I dressed up as Dr. Jacoby (my SO was Nadine) and we went to the local vegan bakery, which was having a "Twin Peaks day." That was pretty fun, especially as they had a "no Bobs" policy, which our friend violated with impunity.

I liked it, but yeah, it's kind of a slog. It feels like the first 60% of the book is just establishing pretty basic stuff.

I actually kind of liked the architecture stuff. Just reading about cities and the way that they evolve and shape and are shaped by their inhabitants is really interesting.

Tim Powers' Last Call. I'm a big fan of the roleplaying game Unknown Armies, and had heard his name mentioned in the same breath as it multiple times. So far it's been… strange. And very confusing. But in a good way. The interplay of magic and modern culture is fascinating and done in a much more coherent way than The

What kind? Man on the street wants to know!

It's that time of the semester where I subsist primarily on junk food, so I haven't been doing much cooking. However, I did throw together a serviceable chickpea and kale curry, which is… fine. I mean, it's basically the same curry that you see in every "COLLEGE STUDENTS EAT 4 CHEEP" cookbook. But whatever, it's

There's a video somewhere where Moviebob/Bob Chipman/The Game Overthinker talks about people nattering on about how games need grow up, become respected as a medium for storytelling, etc. He makes the point that one of the impetuses for stuff like French New Wave was Cahiers du Cinema taking "trashy" and popular films

Sheeit, I remember when I checked the Escapist daily for my Jimquisition-Big Picture-Extra Credits-Zero Punctuation-Escape to the Movies dose.

This could easily be the new Giant Robot! What's that you say? GR folded years ago? Hmmm…

Only 90's kids will appreciate this entomology joke!