So what do you do about that madness/anger when you vote? Vote 3rd party just for spite? Or do you consider the big picture, voting for those filthy Dems because they’re a helluva lot closer to your views than Republicans?
So what do you do about that madness/anger when you vote? Vote 3rd party just for spite? Or do you consider the big picture, voting for those filthy Dems because they’re a helluva lot closer to your views than Republicans?
The irony is that if all those marchers and occupiers did vote, they’d have all the power. Millennials now outnumber the selfish Boomers, if only we could get them to show up and vote en masse.
Do it!! Run. Get involved! I’m a newly-registered Dem myself -previously Independent. I did so to caucus for Bernie in 2016, and am keeping my registration D to make my voice heard at the very bottom and start of the political process in March, voting for my perfect candidate, hoping they get far enough to get on the…
Boom, exactly! So many act as if Dems actually have a lot of power to do their bidding. They don’t at all, and anyone who thinks so just shows how ignorant they are to how gov. works.
I’m just glad The American is gone. What a rubbish character, even if it is fun to make fun of dumb Americans. He just shit on everything if it wasn’t a big ‘ol V8, not fun for a car show. I could see it being a one-episode gag, but became so tiring the whole season.
The last thing I want is some police state gestapo society, but how many times are we going to hear about these shooters, whom after they’ve already taken innocent lives, were previously investigated by the FBI? How can they not be on a watch list and at least watched a little bit?
I sure hope so, but my biggest fear is the lengths they are going to get as much out of it before it all burns down, making the next president the center of blame for all the bullshit Trump/McConnell did. There may not be a country left to fix.
Thank you for this, it’s just brilliant!! It needs to get picked up by every major news outlet, as it perfectly breaks down and explains the lunatic right wing in this country.
I’m glad window-lickers like this get filmed and ridiculed and shamed on the internet. It’s the only way to possibly get through to them, and at the very worst, they double down on their behavior, acting worse than before. No big loss, since that type of mentality and behavior will rear its ugly head again, prompting…
Screw Papa Johns and his pizza! We ditched his ignorant ass once he came out against Obamacare, saying it would cost him too much, which was a flatout fucking lie. He can afford it, but is too fucking ignorant, buying into crazy, fear-mongering right-wing talking points... same as he did here with the NFL protests.…
So how do we sign up if we were on Gaf? I was a member there since 2009 or so.
I’m with you, but none of this matters because enough people didn’t and still won’t show up to vote, even if they’re outraged by this. I’d love to be proved wrong, but my faith in humanity, justice, and the truth is waining. I just don’t see a way out of this.
Plus, he fell for the right-wing propaganda that ISIS was “flooding through our southern border”. My coworker did as well, and entered into this “logic loop” once I started asking him questions about it. I could see the whole notion failing in his mind from the look on his face. LOL
I think I’ll be calling this hotline to report the guy with the Trump sticker on his front door, telling them it’s all a ruse, the “illeguls” are in there.
That’ll buff right out.
Exactly!! You were never a true Bernie supporter, you were a bandwagoner who had no clue as to why you liked him or his policies. Had you done any research whatsoever, you would have realized Clinton’s platform was 90% of Bernie’s anyway. Lack of critical thinking is what got us here, and is what will take us all the…
Repubs voting for Trump are like flies being attracted to shit, it’s all they know, and I wouldn’t expect anything less. The people to blame are the ones who couldn’t be bothered to do their patriotic duty and vote, and also the 3rd party voters, knowing damn well how high the stakes were last year. Those people are…
And those Trumpkins are always the first to accuse others of being entitled little victims. It’s called projection, and today’s right wing is the poster child of that psychological disorder.
And there’s that victim mentality the right coddles so much.
Assault eh? My how the rhetoric magnifies when it’s against white people.