
Exactly. Also, the MAGAturd we’re replying to can barely read, stopping as soon as he sees the words to confirm his bias, even if the next sentence disproves it. They have to exist in a lie-filled fantasy because they’re scared of facts and a reality against them.

Spt on! Anyone still saying it can’t happen here is a certified idiot because it’s already happening here. Keep an eye on the days before inauguration when he holds a rally in DC along with the resistance march the same day. I wouldn’t put it past him to do his own Reichstagg fire to get emergency powers to go full

LOL perfect!! Plus, anyone who actually believed he’d be releasing robotaxis or anything else this month is a head-full-of-rocks Tesla-stan and Musk-fellator, completely divorced from reality.

That thing fucks! Gaudy and crazy but still far better than the current Ferrari-fellating abortion I see everywhere. Be a Corvette or a Ferrari, not both.

It’s so dumb putting old school stuff into an EV just to lure supposed car afficianados to them. I’m a huge car lover who’s had manuals and automatics, but once you drive an EV, it’s a game-changer. That instant torque and constant pull w/o shifting changes everything.

As wonky as Wankpanzers look in pictures, they’re even more obtuse and gigantic in person. Do not like.

Whenever you come across one of those hillbillies touting the “go woke go broke” mantra, make sure you point and laugh hysterically at them. Shame them like the backwards window-licking fenceposts they are. They should be made to feel embarrassed for their pathetic ignorance. Shame the fuck out of them, as they’re

Plus the Tesla charger is now the standard and any previous EV without that type of plug can get an adapter. Easy peasy. 

Yes. Yes, they’re all that fucking stupid and gullible, feeding their even dumber base who they are afraid of angering.

That all seems massively more expensive than it needs to be, but maybe you’re in an old house with old wiring and panel.

I’m hoping it’ll be Rivian’s R3, that thing is sexy and small and hopefully sub-30k.

Agreed 100%, now tell that to the greedy carmakers. It’s another reason why I want Chinese EVs to come here, just to royally fuck over domestic carmakers who can’t for the life of them make a cheap EV. Chevy had the Bolt and it was a hit, but they killed it for a more expensive Blazer, and still no word on when the

Why is a Korean EV a double whammy? Quality-wise, they make some of the best cars out there, totally better and more reliable than ‘Merican cars.

I remember calling out the cops for being horrible shots and being flamed to death for it on reddit. I’m like, they have training and have to pass marksman training, but no calm under pressure training?! Cmon, the streets are more dangerous with these triggered pigs on them.

We really need a hardcore battery of tests before letting gun-happy pigs onto the streets. If he had/has PTSD, he shouldn’t be an office at all until it’s completely fixed, if that’s even possible. This triggered pig put countless lives in danger with his scaredy-cat actions, proving he should never be armed in public

Tragedy for the pilots, but it seems Mother Earth wants to start eating the rich with these plane crashes. Just sayin... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Class Action motherfucking Lawsuit!! Every user should be reimbursed for every show they “bought” and will be losing because of rampant corporate greed and the fact they know they’ll never ever be held accountable.

I kinda hope he doesn’t, he needs to hit absolute rock bottom in the chance he might do some introspection and *gasp* empathy or humility. LOL fat chance of that!

Had he just kept his mouth shut, focused on SpaceX and Tesla, I’d still think he was a cool visionary guy, not knowing his toxic, hateful, dude-bro politics and worldview. 

Naw, those are overbuilt to hold tons of people during the heaviest tourist seasons.