What violence occured here?
What violence occured here?
Where and how were they brutalized? And does not supporting the President of the Electoral College automatically make one a liberal? Because I don’t support him at all because I have a brain and a conscience, and practice intellectual thought. Do those things make me a liberal?
Hilarious, and if true, then good on you putting so much attention to your valley below. As a man, I absolutely love the natural scent (and taste) anyway, so no need to dress it up.
Fuck waiting til 2020, show up and tell all your friends to show up in 2018. Tell them to vote this year in whatever local elections there are, and make a habit of it every time there’s an election. That’s how we take back some semblance of sanity and attain a bit of balance. If that doesn’t happen, then we’re all…
I think the only way to fight it is to make sure each and every one of your friends and rational family members vote each and every election, especially the local elections where it all starts. So much of this happened because only the right-wing voted, and the left showed up every 4 years, if they could be bothered…
When it comes down to it, i think McConnel is the most evil bastard in government. Trump is just a cruel dolt -dangerous -but not pure evil like McConnel. I truly hope his comeuppance is fitting.
That’s the scariest part, is the depths and extremes he’ll go to distract from anything Russia-related. Imagine his response when all the evidence comes out and/or the pee pee tape is released. Pucker up for nuclear war.
...Says the mind of a middle schooler.
And those dimwitted nuts who are congratulating him are the lowest of the low of deplorables, having not one iota of a brain cell to consider consequences, let alone what could escalate to a new world war. North Korea will test us, er, him next, provoking the same response. Before you know it, by summer or fall,…
Poor little anti-PC Trumpeteers sure do have thin skin. They hate being introduced to ideas outside their tiny worldview and comfortable bubble.
And how so? All I see and hear is Trump all day, and when Hillary is mentioned, it’s always in connection with emails or some other non-positive picture. Meanwhile, Dump gets away with almost every lie, unchallenged.
Problem is, even someone as “electable” as Baker won’t make it past the early primaries. The right-wing hate media created this monster that spawned Trump, and they aren’t going away, they’ll just get angrier and more extreme. 2020 might make 2016 look like a Disney cartoon.
Just a small indication of what Trump’s America will be.
Cheers! Pueblo gets shit on a lot, but it’s a great little town, with a fantastic focus on the arts. Also, with it’s rich Italian and Latino heritage (it was the biggest mob town west of the Mississippi for a long time), the food is also outstanding.
Agreed, he needs to stop continuing this lie that the DNC is screwing him over. That only fans the flames, making these zealots even more extreme.
Yep, once again, Dems are their own worst enemies. I’m holding out hope that enough of us will unite against Drumpf by November.
Same here, had to leave a few Bernie groups because of the reality disconnect and disgusting anti-Hillary posts. They make her out to be the AntiChrist, when Drumpf is the one we need to unite against. They all fail to see the big picture and it scares me. Here’s hoping cooler heads prevail by the time November rolls…
The only good thing about Drumpf is that his hateful rhetoric is energizing the non-white vote, which is great. Let the butt-hurt Berners stay home and cry, while African Americans and Latinos take up the slack, voting against Drumpf in record numbers.
You should read the crap they post on closed FB groups, they make Hillary out to be the Anti-Christ, like she’s the real villain, when it’s Drumpf we need to unite against. Their mentality will only lead to Nader 2.0, giving Drumpf the win.
Still better than Trump. We have to unite to make sure Trump doesn’t become our Commander in Chief.