Long Haired Jesse Custer

AHHH. Ok, now that makes sense. Knowing it's out of sequence, and how low level (in comparison to Hydra and Shield issues) the Hand is helps me wrap my head around this. Yeah, I guess the hand does deal in low level crap as a front for their more mystical operation. Best explanation ever.

Yup. Having less concerns about integration and continuity with various story lines means more creativity and room to breath. Arrow and The Flash shine because they don't have to worry about Batman issues in the case they come across similar advisories. There's no Wonder Woman and Superman who can easily just show

Yeah, Luke and Jessica aren't anything to blink at. But that would be an interesting story as to why they're trying to keep their powers covert so they don't have to get registered. They're paranoid enough to not want the Feds on their backs (and maybe Jessica is doing a whole Tax evasion thing too). SO…in the end the

And I forgot an idea For Danny and Colleen. Maybe she almost dies again, and Danny uses the power of the Iron Fist to save her. But unlike last time, he actually has to transfer the power over to her. In which case she becomes THE Iron Fist. And then, yeah….your idea happens. I like it!

Oh yeah, I know Thor is technically a god/god. But they have enough mystical powers to at least know what's happening with K'un Lun and stuff? Or at least Thor would? Maybe not. I'll accept that he wouldn't have that much awareness. However Spider-Man would jump on occasion to at least go "WTF?" with the earthquake.

I'm actually on Episode 6, but I figure any episode is a good place to rant about things (totally not spoilers, so don't trip). I wish Marvel did the DC thing where they don't have one continuous universe, but rather have it broken up in various Earths. For all the *flaws* that the Defenders have so far (Ok, that

I cried. Y'all can just go ahead and nitpick the details "bla bla…I guess it was ok, but it could have been better..bla bla". (Bunch of ungrateful, clone club posers.) It was my most favorite show ever, I'm sad that it's gone.

The pace was weird. Slower and rather sad. BUT…like…Preacher. I love the comics and show, so one episode that wasn't "the most thrilling" isn't going to bother me. Plus, Eugene sang. That ruled.

So. I cried at the opening of the episode. I wasn't prepared for that, but it hit me. Good acting, team. I honestly believed that Maria Doyle Kennedy actually died in real life. The origin flashbacks of Helena reminded me of Arrow, and how Helena is a bit like old Ollie meets the Punisher. I love it when Helena causes

Honestly, I thought she was way more authentic looking.

I love the pace of this season. It's surreal and like this weird dream and making it feel like Hitchhiker's Guide to the Book of Revelations. I see why the want us to wait for Herr Starr, and I suspect they're going to integrate a couple of story arcs together (like the did with Odin in last season)

I would have loved to been at Felix's party. The DJ playlist was off the hook. And I love how Cosima was the raging party girl, and Sarah was the stick in the mud. Anyway, as much as I loved S, I'm glad they had some courage to George R.R. a lead character. But let's see how tough they are with the Seestras in the

yeah, it was beautiful. Totally meta too. HA

These last three episodes have been a mini-season in themselves. Just such a killer episode (semi-pun). The homage to the original comic and all that beautiful art for the Saint of Killer's back story was the best thing ever.

Chris Chibnall wanted Broadchurch to be thought as a three act play, rather than an ongoing series. Considering how Gracepoint ended, that ended as a self contained mini-series. Season 2 helped tie up loose strings in Hardy's past, and I know season 3 will tie up all the family strings (and potential ships). I get

(Oops, enter got hit too soon) And maybe that later epiaodes were filmed before the earlier ones because hey had a clear path as to how it ended, but not nessisarily how they got from the end of Season 4 until the end.

It was total disconnect in the writing and directing per episodes like I said. It was almost like Rachel's episode was written earlier and

It should be the comment right above this

Yeah, if it were any other show I would have thought that was super lame. . But honestly, I'm more character driven, the acting went above with Kira and Rachel, and I was so stoked to finally see Her come around. And that ENDING!!!

If you recall, Jesse thought Fiore took care of the Saint, and unbound his contract to kill him, so he thought he was free to use the Voice as much as he wanted to. So no, Jesse didn't realize he manifested the Saint.