
So it’s an old British truck, with frame rot and wiring issues, with a diesel that is so underpowered it can’t safely be driven on the highway. For only $13,500? Let me get my checkbook!

You can’t find a Miata with 260hp, but then again IIRC the Solstice was a lardass and weighed in 500 pounds more than a Miata. Also a Miata has a usable trunk, the Solstice literally had zero cargo room.

Blasts with your friends after building something like this are “pointless?” And you’d rather drive a CRV? I’m going NP just because of this reply.

I can’t imagine a world where any sane adult would pay twelve-thousand American dollars for this tinny underpowered shitbox.

Were you drunk when you wrote this? No way this is being sold as a street-legal vehicle, so no you can’t “roll around town” in it. At least not a town in the United States. And what is “sheet metal fiberglass?”

$1 is a good price for this

Yesterday’s MR2 received an overwhelming 85 percent No Dice loss for its un-Miata-ness.?” Do you even skim the replies before writing the post mortem? That Toyota went down because the seller admitted actual mileage was unknown, plus the thing had obviously had body damage.

Correct. This is a 4-figure car

Should’ve gone with El Caddilimo

Longtime C&D fan from the DED Jr. years, they just revamped the print mag this year. Now bi-monthly, but bigger with longer stories and better photography. Great editors with Ezra Dyer and Elena Scheer, and Phillips is still there too

This is one of those listings that need the Crack Pipe designation to come back. AYFKM? Move the decimal to the left and $798 would be NP

You really need that strut-tower brace to keep the body from twisting itself into a pretzel when you uncork all 89 horsepower. This is cute, take a decimal off the price and it might work. ND

Take a zero off the price and it’s still ND

As a Boomer who has a 2019 S550 in Highland Green I assure you they’re pretty special. A Mustang GT Premium with the performance pack (Brembos etc), with staggered wider rear wheels and tires, 20 extra horsepower, 6-speed manual only with the sweet cue-ball shifter, but what really sold me was it’s not a GT. Ford

“$50,000 in upgrades” was all I needed to know. ND

Yesterday a VW Beetle with an oversized dog house on the back for $17.5K, today a 42-year old BMW 3-series that’s not even an M. Crackpipe times are back.

It might be worth $175 as firewood

It’s a wooden Dumpster on wheels, why the hell anyone would pay actual money for this is beyond me. ND 

Normally my instant vote on any sports car with a hot motor and the seller doesn’t include an engine bay pic is ND. But damn, this thing is sweet. Good lucking finding another one this nice with the manual. NP

ND just for those stupid blue stickers on the back, WTH are those?