
Not the only reason they are struggling, but that is one. They have made a few decisions that made no sense, but overpaying is an ongoing issue. I think they thought they were outsmarting the used car business, but they were really outsmarting themselves.


Given the last couple pictures, I don’t think I want Ms. Lily’s opinions on hair or fashion either.

I have learned do not ask a sports athlete questions along these lines.  Just watching Kyrie and Rogers try and talk about history and science reduces my lifespan by a month.

Hey now! Kevin McHale wouldn’t have played a kid in a wheelchair on Glee if he knew “what we know know”. This is a joke because we know everything we knew then now and I’m making the comparison to what you just said.

I’m not insulting you with this snark I’m insulting Evangeline Lily* Even two years ago any sane person

“We have to go back, Kate! To school, I mean.”

I don’t know why anyone keeps expecting people who often didn’t attend normal standardized school or secondary education (for something other than pretending) to have any kind of idea what the fuck is what when it comes to science.

Jesus what a moron. You're still buying the Vax propaganda after everything we know now? Pull your head out of your ass.

Most equipment can run on standard low sulfur fuel, but the reason the Military used JP8 is that it means all their shit can run on the same fuel. The risk of losing a C130 or Blackhawk because somebody put the wrong fuel in it, and the logistical challenges of supplying a base with separate systems and multiple fuels

That’s scary, then the Camry dent becomes a structural compromise. 

The main reason to use jet fuel is crew safety if it catches fire, since jet fuel can’t melt Chobham beams.

If that is your criteria on buying a car, why would you be shopping around for an SUV, or a non-EV?

I think you hit the nail on the head right there:

Because the stainless steel was only a finishing skin over composite with the DeLorean and Middle School Musk intends on building his stupertruck out of the stuff, including really thick body panels (I forget the measurement—3mm, maybe?—it was something absurd that made me laugh when I first read it).

DeLorean went bankrupt after only producing about 9000 vehicles. That really shouldn’t be too difficult to repeat now, but it wouldn’t be ideal either.

Given a company with such an overheated stock price, I think ANY actual cancellation of a product might just be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. Ergo, they’ll never actively cancel anything. They’ll just do what they’re doing now. Let everything lapse into development hell and give updates every six months that

bah. just go by a Rivian. its like the cyber truck, but its good and it exists.

Yeah, I was thinking it would be a bunch of hat, or some kind of damping mat bonded to it. Maybe a foam sandwich, although at some point you have to think maybe just do the creases and save yourself money and headaches.

This is just Elon’s attempt to troll:

Budd did excellent work with stainless steel railroad cars to the point that RDC cars from the 50s are still service. The thing is Budd used ribbed panels on a steel skeleton and accepted that the end product would be heavy although Budd’s stainless steel cars were still lighter than traditional Pullman cars.