
Almost every vehicle costs less than $40M.

Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.”

This is what vans/minivans were supposed to be for, not full size pickups. Remember when trucks weren’t supposed to be “living rooms on wheels” and they were used for work?”

Everyone here acting like they’ve never seen a concept car before. 

Cybertruck is looking very dated right now, I feel like we’ve been seeing the same design for years at this point. It definitely needs, at very least, a mid series refresh.

That interior, along with the full size suicide doors, is likely not making it to production.

You should write a new bit. This one is old and tiresome. 

For real! Why mention the Model X instead of the much older Model S. That car has been the exact same for the most part for over a decade! Tesla has never done a major redesign, and I think that is going to start being their downfall with all these new electrics coming out. Well that and Elon totally ruining the

Something tells me Tesla is going to feature heavily in this poll, as well it should.

you know SUV-type vehicles are big in other countries, too, right?

That is a tough tangle to unravel. It’s like the chicken or egg meme, did buyer preference drive bigger/faster vehicles, or did automaker advertising? Looking back in history, like the 1950's and 1960's, it seems bigger/faster has always been a part of automobile landscape.

Personally, I think it’s what buyers want. 

“At least you’ll know there are others wondering why modern EVs are so needlessly big, heavy and dangerously fast.”

As does production of almost every other basic material.

This article, which was written on the heels of an article from the Atlantic, seems to be written with a false premise- that somehow US automakers are ONLY making huge, behemoth EVs. That is so far from the truth its ridiculous that an automotive journalist versus me wouldn’t at least do the slightest amount of

I was just addressing the supply chain comment. Just to put your comment into context, even with the pollution caused from mining, EVs are still cleaner than ICE, even if the electricity comes from 100% coal, once you factor the lifespan of the vehicle. Oil doesn’t just bubble up to the surface and refine itself.

Problem is people have to want to buy what they sell and people currently don’t want small, slow cars. They want roomy, swift SUV’s and trucks. I don’t know how you can easily change that.

Smaller and less expensive EVs are coming, just look at the future product lineups of most major OEMs. Many led with the big behemoths to try and change the perception of EVs as being weak little shitboxes.

Still, I want an E-Canyonero.

I mean, Nissan Leafs aren’t exactly burning up the sales charts. 

We use a variety of forklifts and yard trucks where I work and I’m one of the safety trainers. One of the things I emphasize to newbs is if the forklift you’re operating does not want to stop, do not attempt to jump out because the lift will likely run you right over. You aren’t stopping two tons of metal. If there is