
Obscure” to some people, but not to anyone in snow country. And there are 40 year old tractors everywhere. This is just that.

Guessing he was trying to get in the door and fell on the track and it rolled him right to the front and off, sort of like the nazi in the Indiana Jones III tank battle scene.

Look at the tracks again. It’s a belt of ginsu knives. He got slap-chopped.

You betcha

Obviously Waymo and Cruise are in San Francisco and Phoenix for a reason, it would be interesting to see how they handle the same weather conditions.

That depends on where you are in Canada ... or in Korea for that matter. There are regions in Korea that can be way colder than the populous regions in Canada.

Check the link in the emphasized portion of the quote below (there are two different links but the article makes it a little hard to see that).

Die Hard 2 also led me to believe Glocks were made out of porcelain and cost more that what a police chief at an airport makes in a month.  To say that we were misled is putting it mildly.

A significant number of SW’s cancellations were due to their outdated IT systems, not weather.

Only if it also involved the words “fucking dragon”.

What a horrible experience for the family of the deceased and what a traumatic experience for the passengers on the plane. Yikes.

Yeah, you pedantic fuck, that's exactly what I meant. JFC.

The movie concludes with Charlie saying that he wants to get into the family business. Basically, Charlie just admitted that he plans to push his dad off a roof and steal his clothes.

You know what, upon further review this is a very dark Christmas movie. Happy Holidays!”


They are still there, and can still reflect lasers even now. (It was even featured in an episode of Big Bang Theory.) 

if the truck driver was really just sitting there waiting for a green light doesn’t make him at fault? You have to be sure you can cross your entire vehicle before attempting to cross any kind of intersection right?

But can the Sapphire set $44 billion on fire as fast as the Plaid? 

There isn’t one, but that’s what happens when you miss the point of Toyota’s lineup and ask a question to prove your point.

Next, lets put a horse on a treadmill that runs a generator, and tow it behind the car.