
His banker:

The guy isn’t married nor does he have children. But nice jump to conclusions there sparky.

My point being, you cant blame dems for the higher gas prices in general, but specifically not for this move. The increase in recent prices is due to instability. When the US announced it would stop buying Russian oil, the market did nothing.

This is concerning news, but my dad would like to know how the golf courses out west are looking right now, as he has a vacation planned for later this year. #priorities

The overwhelming sentiment in the U.S. right now is that people want to help Ukraine. This is aimed at helping Ukraine. It will come with a cost.  

if the massive hit to their net worths due to the stock market crash is the sundae, the porsches are definitely the cherry on top. 

At first I was thinking “well, maybe a fine and probation makes sense for a first offense” and then I read that he was warned, promised not to do it, and then immediately reneged! He knows damn well what he’s doing. He’s not just a health whacko, he’s an honest-to-gosh quack, especially when you add the “cancer

Sounds about white.

I wish I could say I’m surprised but honestly? The US “justice” system is a total crap shoot. You kill people and walk away, you have a miscarriage you go to jail. The ex president is STILL claiming he won the last election and his deranged supporters are still cheering on the people who tried to mount an

Maybe the Russian mob will now get pissed and just take care of the issue.

Without strawmen there would be no Republican Party.

Not sure you made your point.

Extreme right wing conservative.

the U.S. imported about 5.9 million barrels per day of crude oil, while exporting 3.2 million barrels per day.

Because knee-jerk policy action without rational analysis first was a terrible way to make administrative decisions in 140 characters or less.

Kytch’s founders meanwhile told Insider McDonald’s had “destroyed” its business beyond repair.

Laughing in communist.

It took Dodge 4 years to sell the last darts after they discontinued them. If cars are sitting there cheap and people aren’t buying them, that’s the market speaking.

lifting sanctions helps now. exploring for more viable oil fields could take years to get the wells and infrastructure built up. 

Presumably it will encourage travel?