
Yeah, satire and comedy continually undermine serious political discussions.

What about that one time you had two autojournalists live out of vans during an auto show and never gave us follow up on what happened?

Because that’s not what those roads are for, and any adult dumb enough to drive like that on them isn’t smart enough to be trusted to know when it is or isn’t safe to do so. You’re the kind of person who gets people killed because you think you’re good enough that you couldn't possibly make a mistake. And that's why

empty (public) road (that you have no idea who or what is using it at any given moment). Fixed that for you.

So you’re the type of guy who would steal a smartphone because the store is too far away.

That's a pretty pathetic justification for being a dumbass yourself. If I sound condescending it's because you deserve to be condescended to.

First, you’re assuming there was no signal. Second, the driver was apparently so certain he was going to be hit that he yelled at his wife to hang on. The move he made to the right was an emergency crash avoidance move and if he didn’t use signals that would be a good reason for why. Lastly, people who race or even

When I am on my game (as I of course try to be always) and see someone treating the rest of the traffic like pylons, assuming no one will suddenly change lanes without seeing the weaver in their blind spot, I try not to mess up their little game. Tempting though it may be to close the reasonable gap I’ve left in front

You are trying to justify your actions by saying things like:

I’ve had a situation a lot like this happen to me. It’s tough as there’s no right way to handle a car approaching from the rear at super high speeds when it’s not expected. Do you try to move out of their way? Or do you assume they’ll deal with your presence on ‘their’ race track.

If someone is weaving g and racing behind you, “use the blinker” isn’t your first thought. It is to take evasive maneuvers. If a deer jumps in front of you, you aren’t going to turn on your hazards. You panic brake, and deal with the proper signaling at a later time. It’s the racer’s fault.

You can talk about tracks all day, but chances are this was a chance and spontaneous encounter on the street between 2 strangers. Neither of these two dummies probably ever thought about racing their cars at a track. That’s usually the case with the morons you see racing down a crowded highway.

There may have been many bad decisions made, but the first bad decision, the one that is the key to all this was the decision to go street racing. The was the dumbass decision that started this tragedy. Don’t go street racing.

Or, you know, some sort of rule or common procedure that addresses which side to pass on.....

I used to work with a guy who thought speed limits and traffic laws were for chumps. He'd regularly say stuff like, "I don't see why I have to go the speed limit - I can handle it." I've heard iterations of this BS from lots of young guys over the years - "I can handle it." Yeah, OK, so let's assume that's true. That

from a legal perspective... the only words out of his mouth should be “I wish to speak with my lawyer”... but I’m assuming he’s already a dumb-ass.

No, “don’t street race” and everything would have been fine.


Wrong, how do you know its deserted? Public road is 100% of the time NO.

Street racing on deserted road is one thing, but with traffic involved, plainly stupid.