
It’s California, so he still wants to save on gas money :)

Yeah, let’s jump straight to the victim-blaming.

California is the wrong state for that. Try Florida. Apparently just mowing your lawn can get ya killed these days.

where 50 years isn’t enough time for the way things are designed or built to change in any meaningful way

I think what they’re talking about is that in the engineering process, they may adjust the mold several times after test runs reveal deficiencies in engineering. Making those changes at $1.5M a pop gets expensive real fast.

I’d like to point out that “the 70's” was fifty freaking years ago, and 20 years ago was 2003.

It’s not for lack of effort!

Dang. My brother inherited one of these from our grandmother’s sister when she passed. It was a freaking tank.

Land Rover. Slow, safe. Good starter car.

I once (test) drove an early 80's Honda CVCC (no, not the Civic, the CVCC) with a 2-speed transmission. So there’s that...

Definitely should have a “Quick Start” laminated card on the passenger seat when the renter gets in. I say passenger seat, because if it’s in the glovebox, the renter might not be able to open it or even know it’s there.

Ahhh...the Toyota method.

Dumbest thing you’ve heard of, so far....

Almost all “SUV’s” these days are more or less tall wagons, and that’s ok. They bring most of what people actually want in an SUV with less of the heavy-duty stuff they don’t really need.

Europe is a big place, just like the US. As population density goes down, SUV sales go up. Note that the numbers quoted in this article aren’t just for Spain, they’re for “Europe” which includes less population-dense countries like Sweden, for example.

Combine that with EVs pushing primarily into the SUV space (which negates high fuel prices in Europe) and it’s a recipe for success.

While you’re technically correct (the best kind of correct!), in common usage, they’re often used interchangeably.

Apparently, it actually does flood on the regular. Just not when Burning Man is usually held. How do you think it gets smooth and flat?

It’s definitely unique! If you like it, you like it. Nothing wrong with personal preference in that regard.

It’s probably like a 14+ round gun clip. Some states have laws about how many bullets a clip can hold.