
@Sean Reynolds: Ah... but how can you REALLY prove that we are really here? This thread... this website, this computer, desk, my hands and arms... could all be a complete imagination.

@YDGLI: well really what else is he going to do with his time? Not racquetball, that's for sure. ;)

My favorite is the seemingly useless variant of holding down the shift key while using F9 - F12

@Wwhat: I can't completely agree with this statement because as a child I frequently took things apart to see how they worked. Reverse engineering is MUCH simpler than creating it in the first place because you're deconstructing something that already works as opposed to starting with nothing and figuring out

put some motors and actuators in it and sign me up for an amputation.

@norazi: maybe that's the problem then, I just don't play games that overly utilize it.

who is "the community" that they heard from? I've never had an issue with the d-pad as it's been... maybe it's just me?

@Harpsichord: I'm going to have to do the same now...

@Harpsichord: I definitely can't disagree that there are many whose orbits are not circular, however I wouldn't want to discount the possibility of some of those being interstellar.

@Harpsichord: While that is mostly true, if you pay close attention you'll see some that come in from different angles and do not orbit. those would be the ones most likely to be inter-stellar.

@Harpsichord: keep a watch on the corners, at the 15 second mark you'll see Jupiter in the lower left

@Wargazm: I assume you've never worked for the DEA or any law enforcement agency and have had to go through the court systems to get a warrant. Chances are very high that timing was of the UTMOST importance in this matter, and therefore couldn't wait. Drugs move fast, and they move even faster once someone suspects

@kl0an: aside from the withdraw symptoms you're facing, I'm actually quite jealous of your position. I've always wanted to visit Alaska and chill on one of those islands in the Chain!

@Pobre: You might have to buy more than one $50 9-ft extension cords...

@sergio526: That is the first time I've heard the kinect abilities described as something that is actually useful!

@Eruanno: because now it can be both... which for some people, might be useful.

@Bam Margera: (in my best Old Spice commercial guy's voice) Look at your comment. Now look at the photo... now back at your comment.

@TwiceDead: I certainly hope so... and while they're at it, eliminate Jar-Jar Binks

@tralfaz23: There's a lot I would have liked in the SW prequels.

@TwiceDead: What Jumper needs is to go back in time and not cast Hayden Christensen.