
It takes a lot of balls to admit that. I applaud you :-)

So, Pinkham’s Law. Who shall be defended?

They never took a doggie bag home and they never touched Golem Jesus’s meal.

Just so much precious. So very much.

The consumption or GTFO

As a actual, real-life historian, that article was painful to get through. You cannot understand what life was truly like for people of another time by cosplaying them 24/7. That’s just...not how history works. I do want to know where they get all their money though, I hope that’s historically accurate too, and they

Wait, is everyone just going to gloss over that Victorian couple? Are we not going to talk about that?

Draw me like one of your French girls.

Many years ago, I taught at a small boarding school. One of my students—I’ll call him “James”—was in sixth grade, and he was a difficult, petulant young man.

Oh, I miss Contempo.

Kanye looks like a couch.

It’s very Tatooine chic.

Who wore it better?

Who the hell puts giant pockets on the front of a dress for a pregnant lady?! (Says the hardly pregnant lady who already feels like a whale.)

It’s happening!

Number 2 on your list is strikingly common. My sister attended the memorial for a dear family friend who was like a father to us, and his ex-wife’s church completely took over the ceremony. There was nothing about his life, only long lectures about how he “got right with God at the end” and how happy they all were

Via the LA Times, a guy named Dylan Grosz with a disturbingly scientific mind and way too much time on his hands ordered 35 Chipotle burritos over the course of several days and then weighed each one back at his office.

Manager: “Did you get their order right this time?”

These dudes do NOT have homies. They do not have friends with wives. They do not have friends with girlfriends. They do not have friends who talk to their own sisters or mothers (except to ask for caretaking). The easiest way to get this way is to be socially isolated. And the easiest way to be socially isolated is to

How can Jimmy Carter have cancer, and Bill Cosby gets to keep walking around?