
It always reminds me of this C.S. Lewis quote:

Yeah, because bodily autonomy doesn’t kick in until an arbitrary birthday? Wtf?

Must be my coffee or the fact that as a guy old enough to be these young women father.. this makes me extra proud.. and teary or something. Black women really are the best america has to offer.

YES. THIS IS MY FAVORITE POST OF THE YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I’m a little surprised that we don’t see more dead mistress stories from these guys.

Society allows white men to make mistakes. Women and POC not so much. It was never about her emails. Just like how people aren’t really mad at the kneeling for the national anthem. They’re mad that black men are being uppity.

Melania Trump planted kale in Michelle Obama’s garden today, which I guess is better than the alternative but like, I don’t know, please step off our leeks!!!!

I have no idea who that is but suddenly am VERY interested in finding out.

Dead. I’m dead. 😂

Which is why this lady just doesn’t bother.

If they get this to stick, birth control and tubal ligations are next, given how many of the “pro-life” nutjobs insist they aldo murder babies. If they could think of a way to make antibiotics to treat STDs difficult and expensive for women to obtain while keeping them cheap and plentiful for men, they’d do that too.

Free Takiyah Thompson! Call Durham, NC, District Attorney to demand charges be dropped against Takiyah and all anti-racists protesters: 919-808-3010. Donate to bail fund: http://Durhamsolidaritycenter.org/bondfund

I’ve heard about that training (probably here on Jez, actually). That’s wonderful.

One of my friends thinks Russia was playing the long con, and Melania is a Russian spy with 20 million dollars in a Swiss bank account.

Hillary would have been so badass at the g20. Can’t you just picture her with Merkel, side by side in matching pantsuits, running the fucking world?

If they’re trying to convince me that he doesn’t have Alzheimer’s and the only person who can manage him is his daughter, they’re failing. Miserably.

I’ve seen her on various talk shows and from that I’ve gotten the impression that she’s smart a.f. Gawd I’m so jealous you got to have dry martinis with her...

worked with a former federal judge who was friends with judge judy. had the pleasure of drinks with her a few times (dry, dry martinis). she is whip smart and takes no shit. she plays up the persona for tv, but judge judy is legit. one of the most intelligent people i’ve had the pleasure of sharing company with.