
Blonde leg hair. You might think it wouldn't show up - which it doesn't, when you're trying to shave. But step outside and suddenly I look like Edward fucking Cullen.

Devil’s food cakes .

Yes, this! That’s why I’m currently wearing a half slip that belonged to my grandmother. No one sells (cheap) regular slips anymore. :(

I wear Spanx while giving engineering lectures to all-male audiences. I find the squeeeziness to be really comfortable, and it keeps my posture good during long lectures. I wear corsets for ballroom dance, because it looks good, and if I don’t, I get crippling back pain after an hour.

I adore my Spanx, I find them comfortable for up to 10 hours, and I’m not ashamed of being fat. I like to look smooth, keep my dresses from clinging, and protect my privacy. That’s all. When did Spanx become anti-feminist? I LOVE mine and I don't think my feminist membership card is in jeopardy because if it.

I thought this would be a big moment for the transgender community. Turns out it's a big moment for everyone. So inspired. Let's all be who we are and be happy, shall we?

When Bruce just whipped off his hair tie and shook his ponytail loose I was filled with so much joy.

I think it's really fucking brave, that's all I have to say.

1) I thought this was in Lousiana, so thanks for straightening that out.

dude, i get horrific cramps and fucking makes them so much better. bloody, messy period sex forever.

Is it really necessary for such a serious statement after 8 months of dating? That isn’t even the full gestation of an actual baby.

Mine just dumped me. And we live together. And have a kid together. So yeah, life sucks and fuck these two assholes. At least they can dry their eyes with their hundreds.

It really Depends.

Wouldn’t that be an elaborate pull-up then?


popular chain restaurant that rhymes with “Crapplebees.” (Editor’s Note: Oh for fuck’s sake)

Will you need to use this math symbol?

i just came to this solution because of the toilet paper sitting next to me

I have pals who are that quick. It is a source of amazement. So quick that you don’t laugh right away because you have to catch up.

I was with some friends in a bar and this douche started hitting on my friend and being a real dick about it. She was trying to be polite about it, but I didn’t feel any such obligation. So I whispered something in her ear about him and she laughed. He saw it and replied, “If you’re mad that I’m talking to your friend