
This is my family. Every single one of us is overweight now...except for the youngest who is borderline anorexic.

I have a particular distaste for slurpers. If you can slurp, let's say, pancakes....then we have a problem.

Me too. I started hair pulling in high school....not singular hairs but many strands at a time from the nape of my neck. I knew what it was, and that is was "weird", but the relief I got from doing it overrode any "I know I shouldn't be doing this" thoughts.

Is there an age limit for wearing cat-eye liquid liner?

At first I thought it was some sort of crab-costume!

I am an atheist. One of my most satisfying moments was from a Christmas long ago, when my son was about 5 and learning to read. We were out for a nighttime drive looking at Christmas lights. One house had the word "Jesus" spelled in blinking lights. My son looked at me and said..."Who the heck is Jesus?".

I am in California. To many (but not all) of us, the "Midwest" should just be "Mid".

I absolutely devoured the Little House books as a kid. I learned how to make cheese, churn butter, make maple syrup, cut and curl my bangs, out-class the neighborhood rich girl and get the man just by reading these books. Oh, and unlike Mary Ingalls, I know exactly how large a bear's drumstick is.

I live in Sacramento. We are better than this.

I had a friend in 8th grade get pregnant. This was in 1980. That child is probably a parent now. Maybe even a grandparent!!

I have a pretty deep emotional connection with MisterWhitworth, but I can't say I know all his answers to the questions. I am tempted try this.....but totally afraid of it backfiring.

WEDDING NUMBER ONE: I was 20 (on my birthday AND the minister's birthday, to be exact) and eloped in Reno wearing a peach-colored turtleneck and a long, dark peach-colored skirt - both borrowed from my Mom. Token, shabby carnations accompanied the sad spectacle. That disaster didn't last two years.

Hopefully in a super-high setting with prongs that catch on everything....

And the NET!!

Could be worse. Dingoes, you know.

I kind of misunderstood the assignment.....