
Nope. Sorry but fuck off to anyone who has no patience for a crying baby on a plane. People have places to go. Babies cry. My own kids have been everywhere, from the time they were born. Sometimes they cried, sometimes they didn’t. Now, as a 50+ year-old guy, I have tons of empathy for parents with crying babies. I’ve

Indiana is not 45 minutes away from Chicago. East Chicago is literally in Indiana. And in Indiana, you can buy an AR-15 at a yard sale if you so desire (truth, not hype). Source: almost lifelong (although not willingly) Hoosier, who just grimaces every time some idiot whatabouts Chicago in the gun debates.

Also, can

My wife has a Prius. She loves it. I love it. It’s a great car that does exactly what it’s supposed to, and has damn good cargo capacity to boot. 

I had the exact same experience down to the ex-girlfriend’s car exposure and came to the exact same conclusions. I would happily DD a Prius, as long as I could have a “fun” car, which is the setup I have now with my DD getting way worse mileage.

Me too. It is absolutely ridiculous. I loved my sister’s (she now has a Camry hybrid that’s FINE as a frog’s hair) and would have bought one if I could have/needed new. It was a wonderful appliance. Cars are tools. People who thinks they are penile replacement symbols are too. ;)

The truth is all new cars are pretty fast now. Even the crappier sub compacts. They all can easily do over 100mph. It is really only the car enthusiasts that have an issue with the car. But then, they also have an issue with the lower powered sports cars like the Miata and 86, which are subjectively pretty spritely

Asking the important questions, because you never know who’s out there.

Am I the only one that liked how the Cybertruck looked initially and now finds that it has aged like milk?

Also, it still needs a coating (paint) in order to protect it from corrosion in an automotive application. Stainless isn’t immune to corrosion, it’s just very resilient to it (in certain environments)

Your choice is so weird, I love it.  Well done.

I very much agree. I go days and days at a time without driving my cars - and I don’t even live in all that “walkable” a place. I mean I COULD walk to shops, but I don’t particularly want to. I do walk around the neighborhood for exercise. It would also help if people were incentivized to not think they need to drive C

There are no busses where I live and when I lived in Detroit (80's) the threat of being mugged was 75% daily so I will do my thing while respecting your choice to do yours.

I’m doing my part by working from home.  Ban working from the office!!!!!

The thing about the F250 and that entire class of vehicle is the lowest-hanging fruit that could be cured very easily by substantially painful taxes up front and with annual registration. And no one needs more than 400 hp. 95% of the driving public shouldn’t behind the wheel of more than 200 hp.

Many of the people who consider themselves recalcitrant suburbanites would quickly change tunes if they ever spent time living in urban centers. Once you’re there, you realize that contrary to alarmist/sensationalist accounts/reports, the streets aren’t filled with blight, undesirables and violence.

why set your line at $200k? why not $30k? After all, nobody needs more than 150hp, or a digital dash, or any kind of interior feature set at all. You could stick everyone in a Mirage and we would be just fine as a species.

I used to hate silver, but I agree with you. I now have a living situation where I can’t hand wash, and there aren’t many car washes around me. Silver is good if you can’t keep it 100% clean all the time.

to be fair, there was still a Legacy wagon counterpart for that generation, just not for us:

also, real window area.

89 560SL is a surprising punchline. I was expecting W113 or older.