OK, you win the internet today.
OK, you win the internet today.
$ 700 for a rusted out ‘72 vw beetle. It was an absolute piece of garbage. I loved it because it was my first car but it was terrible. My mom had to borrow it for a day when her car was in the shop and when she got home she asked my dad what the fuck he was thinking when he thought this deathtrap would be a safe car…
I (really don’t) hate to say it, but every VW and Audi product could disappear off the road tomorrow and I doubt anyone would even notice.
Remember this: rich people are rich people first and whatever else they are is a distant second.
The Porsche 914. To me, it’s the only Porsche that kept the spirit of the originals- small, light, a wee little 4 cylinder engine and that’s about it. Also it has pop-up headlights.
The beauty of the Karmann Ghia is that it’s pretty much perfect as it is. That’s not to say that it’s the most beautiful car ever, just that there is absolutely nothing you can do to it aside from painting it that doesn’t make it worse. It’s why you’ll never see any modded ghia that looks better than the original.
What I love about the new mail truck is that they did not give a single fuck about looks and went for functionality only- that goofy high roof? easy to stand up in. That low low hood? easy to see pedestrians and kids when you’re driving in neighborhoods, where you’ll spend most of your time. That crazy bumper? You’re…
Well you have to start somewhere and none of them started out making better products, they all started making cheaper products that got better and then innovated.
Yeah yeah yeah, the exact same thing was said about the Japanese in the 60s and only ever seems to apply to asia.
But a half-assed solution is still better than “we won’t do anything until we have a perfect solution with no problems at all.”- it works in many other places, it does what it’s intended to do, that’s a win.
And yet somehow other major cities with populations as large or larger have figured this out and it works just fine.
When my kiddo switched schools I lost the ability to regularly ride to work and it SUCKS to have to drive all the time, even though it’s not that far, even though traffic is usually pretty calm, even though I drive right past a big beautiful lake. I miss taking the bus to work when the weather sucks, I miss the 30…
with a 27 gallon tank and a 690 mile range, one assumes that works out to 25mpg? Or am I missing something due to the fact that you can also plug it in?
100%- when you don’t have to drive, you can pick a car that’s more fun to drive instead of one that will do ALL THE THINGS.
It’s funny how things change though- One mayor of Indianapolis liked biking and next thing you know, there were bike lanes everywhere. Obviously, it takes a lot more than one sporty mayor to make a difference but even in a state that wishes it could retroactively change its answer as to who they sided with in the…
In America, driving mostly sucks and anyone who tells you different is trying to sell you something.
yeah, my daughter, who loved to unbuckle herself when she was in kindergarten, definitely deserves to get her neck broken because some folks don’t like chimes in their cars. Kids do stupid shit all the time, including getting bored and unbuckling themselves. And some kids have stupid parents who don’t buckle them up.
Or, you have a kid that thinks unbuckling themselves is funny. Mine thought it was hilarious when she was in kindergarten.
I’m 6'1 and I can’t. It’s not about your total height, it’s about the length of your torso. Me I gots short-ass corgi legs. I have a friend who’s 6'4 and when I sit next to him, I’m slightly taller.
My experience with the Miata is that the top of the windshield is roughly where my mouth is.
I mean they can and they will continue to mistreat disabled passengers, because of course they will.