
And yet somehow other major cities with populations as large or larger have figured this out and it works just fine. 

When my kiddo switched schools I lost the ability to regularly ride to work and it SUCKS to have to drive all the time, even though it’s not that far, even though traffic is usually pretty calm, even though I drive right past a big beautiful lake. I miss taking the bus to work when the weather sucks, I miss the 30

with a 27 gallon tank and a 690 mile range, one assumes that works out to 25mpg? Or am I missing something due to the fact that you can also plug it in? 

100%- when you don’t have to drive, you can pick a car that’s more fun to drive instead of one that will do ALL THE THINGS. 

It’s funny how things change though- One mayor of Indianapolis liked biking and next thing you know, there were bike lanes everywhere. Obviously, it takes a lot more than one sporty mayor to make a difference but even in a state that wishes it could retroactively change its answer as to who they sided with in the

In America, driving mostly sucks and anyone who tells you different is trying to sell you something.

yeah, my daughter, who loved to unbuckle herself when she was in kindergarten, definitely deserves to get her neck broken because some folks don’t like chimes in their cars. Kids do stupid shit all the time, including getting bored and unbuckling themselves. And some kids have stupid parents who don’t buckle them up. 

Or, you have a kid that thinks unbuckling themselves is funny. Mine thought it was hilarious when she was in kindergarten.

I’m 6'1 and I can’t. It’s not about your total height, it’s about the length of your torso. Me I gots short-ass corgi legs. I have a friend who’s 6'4 and when I sit next to him, I’m slightly taller.

My experience with the Miata is that the top of the windshield is roughly where my mouth is. 

I mean they can and they will continue to mistreat disabled passengers, because of course they will.

I feel like “Archer” already covered this pretty thoroughly. 

I am honestly surprised the adjuster assigned to this claim let it pass because there are SO MANY red flags

Thank god we have another SUV with serious off road chops available here in the US, where as we all know, there are no roads at all and every drive requires 4wd as you pass the rotting wreckage of lesser vehicles that failed to make it out of the suburbs.

My city just dropped the speed limits in and around neighborhoods by 5mph and it’s great. That’s been paired with an effort to de-prioritize cars and re-prioritize pedestrians and bikes. Like, when they redo roads, they use the speed hump style sidewalk crossing where cars have to slow down rather than pedestrians

I think you are falling into the trap that sitting on the couch is the only baseline for comfortable and uncomplicated. And thus, anything comfortable and uncomplicated is as boring and tame as sitting on the couch.

I disagree. The key difference with Saturn was the way they treated their customers. which is a thing with value, even if you don’t value it.

An adult car is the one that just works and requires as little maintenance, thought and extra money as possible, so you can focus on your career and your life trajectory rather than on the fact that your car needs expensive things. What do you value more- a cool car or the ability to save enough to go on an awesome

I’ve said this before but I wish I could transport conservatives back to their vaunted golden age of unrestricted emissions and giant v-8s and see how long it takes before they choke on the fumes.

You would be surprised how much of what’s “fun” in an enthusiast car is actually code for uncomfortable or complicated.

It’s ok to say, I deserve to be comfortable and to be able to do a 7 hour drive without feeling like I just ran a marathon. It’s OK to say, yeah, I really don’t want to “feel the road” because the road is a poorly maintained piece of garbage. It’s OK to say, I want my partner not to hate driving with me. :)