
To be fair, I get mad at people driving dorky looking bro trucks but then I never actually do anything more than point and laugh...

Prii tend to draw assholes who have something to prove- like, it doesn’t matter how you drive it- drive 80+ with all the other traffic and there will still be some asshole on your bumper who wants you to know that he (because it’s ALWAYS a he) doesn’t like your choice of vehicle. The site of an infinitely practical

Everyone loves to make fun of “protecting the local wetlands” until their neighborhood floods.

It’s how many of the current crop of F-1 drivers got their start. So maybe not professional but definitely a potential path to a profession

Right, but that would probably have come up if he’d, you know, filled out the proper paperwork in the first place.

The difference being, a plane has one cabin, a train has multiple, so one can move between them, trains are larger so you can actually stand up and walk a baby around, train air pressure isn’t going to be making baby extra cranky and trains are less noisy in general. But yeah, mostly people need to understand that if

What pisses me off is that we’ve already figured this out with gas. There’s one standard nozzle for any gas station, regardless of brand, regardless of anything. And that standard nozzle is attached to a standard pump that’s designed to take standardized methods of payment- I don’t need to download a special app to

I mean, honestly I just compiled pretty much everything that usually gets submitted to a list like this. Basically I just put it all in one place.

Of course. Because there’s no possible way to drive anything other than a camry if you don’t lift it or mod it or put flaming skill flags on it.

Other than the thousands and thousands of jobs involved, I don’t really understand the desire to save old brands. Like, yeah, Chrysler made some cool cars once. But it’s been on life support for decades and maybe it’s time to just let it die.

The difference being, babies on a plane aren’t there because someone just wants to be loud for the sake of being loud. Babies are on planes because likely there’s no other way to get where they need to go.

True But finding that balance is key, isn’t it? And if the law says, “this is too loud,” then the balance has already been found.

I have to imagine that these things are super hard to catch and stop.

Counterpoint: there are technological side steps like this that are not in fact worth the trouble. This includes (checks list) pretty much anything done by volkswagen.

I think we’re currently in a place where auto manufacturers are getting away with way too much- trucks are too big and too protected from regulation, there’s too much cheap horsepower available to people with no ability to control it and things have gotten loud.I know loud=fun for the driver but for everyone else it

Or, and I know this sounds crazy, fine the shit out of Lamborghini until they start putting proper mufflers on their cars. I’m 100% certain that there’s a solution that’s already made for any number of other VAG brands that will do the trick.

Sorry, with green and gold I assumed you lived in God’s Country, Wisconsin.

You’re on the list now

Now I want to see a tactical 70s stingray with an all molle strap interior.

Same. Making me feel good about so many life choices.