
On the one hand, this is the perfect vehicle for an average midwest city, where everything is “oh that’s about 10 minutes from here”- 30 miles is FINE if you live 5 miles from work, which is, again, entirely possible in a mid-sized midwestern city (Say, Madison WI or Dayton, OH or any number of places where the

So, this is kind of a problem across the board for insurance and part of the reason it’s starting to get REALLY hard to get affordable insurance for anything.

The problem with Musk and Tesla is, Tesla is overvalued. As in, Tesla, a smallish car company that sold 1.8 million cars in 2023 (vs 6.2 million from GM) is somehow worth 560 billion dollars, (vs 50 billion for GM).

Having driven many a vehicle with heart and soul, I can tell you I’d rather have the camry. Buying that Jag, you’re buying anxiety. You’re buying, “what’s going to break today?” The feeling of joy you’ll get driving it is simply the relief that right now, at this minute, every one of it’s poorly designed mechanical

Or you could buy a modern camry, which will outperform it in every possible way.

OK, serious question: do rental cars count?

I was thinking this morning about search and how, as an... older gentleman... I might be one of the people this affects the least- I was using the internet before google, so I remember shitty search. I remember having to scroll past a page or 2 of garbage results to get what I actually needed, I remember the bad

Nope. Any list of pretty racecars that doesn’t contain the 1966 Gurney Eagle is incomplete

Doesn’t help that lots of formerly affordable little places are just being bought as airbnb income properties for people who can make a lot more money doing short term rental than they can through renting to their neighbors.

I’ve watched the value of my home more than double in the 18 years I’ve lived in it. Which seems great except my property taxes have gone up to match, to the point that my monthly payments are mostly going to the escrow account for taxes- the amount that actually goes to the mortgage is tiny.

So, yeah, that’s not a thing unless you want to live in a much smaller town/village. In my wholesome midwestern city, what you’re describing is closer to 600k. In my girlfriend’s wee midwestern town in a very affordable state, you’re still looking at 400k.

The key is walkable and park-adjacent. If you can live with

My question is, how much of this $100,000 loss is LOSS- like, we will never see this money again we’re only doing this because we are bad at business, and how much of this is loss- like, Amazon famously never made a profit for years because they took everything and invested it in infrastructure and growth and now

A thought- can you think of any other mainstream car company where you couldn’t just replace the CEO for poor performance? Or where every decision was attributed to the CEO?

I’ve been watching my city rethink roads the last couple years and I gotta say, the amount of non-car infrastructure getting added is wonderful.

I feel like 90% of conservative grievance comes from guys who are upset to find themselves getting treated the way our country has historically treated people of color, women and people without any real power.

OK- I was out mountain biking, got back to the trailhead and was cooling off on the tailgate of my outback when I heard this weird sound that was a cross between the weird ass vocal bit in 2001 a space odyssey and some strange symphonic warmup and the sound of something mechanical going extremely wrong and I, as well

OK, so firing musk would probably tank the stock price. or more realistically, it would cause the stock price to reset to where it actually belongs.There’s no one you can replace him with where that doesn’t happen. But, that’s happening right now anyway, just slower.

They will get better when they fire Musk. Since that’s not going to happen, this whole thing is going to be lather rinse repeat for a while.

Oh god I forgot about the noise.

As A non dazzling urbanite, I got sunburn on top of my head enough times that I made sure my process was, take top down, put sunscreen on head, go. Stupid northern european ancestors.