
I’m the same size and I fit in my girlfriend’s Prius just fine- they are surprisingly spacious, even the older ones

2nd Gear: Plug-Ins

Who are plug in hybrids for? Honestly, they’re for people like me. Every other week I have to drive between 400 and 500 miles to Ohio in pretty much whatever weather god decided to throw at the midwest. The rest of the time, I don’t have to drive that much- I work remote and when I’m at home, aside

Years ago during Fleet Week in Seattle, the Navy brought an aircraft carrier over from the base in Bremerton. I had thought aircraft carriers were the biggest things on the sea. It was parked next to a container ship that absolutely DWARFED it. It’s crazy to see how big these things are.

The Surly Pugsley.

Right, but one of the ways they make that profit margin is by not retooling every 3-4 years. Which was fine when they were the only player in the electric car for grown ups game. But now they’ve got competition and that’s not gonna fly.

I get it- part of the reason Tesla is so profitable is that they paid off the tooling on their cars a LOOOOONG time ago. And new tooling for fresh bodywork is expensive and it’s gonna kill that profit margin. And that would be fine if the CEO didn’t leverage his shares against the purchase of the least popular major

The thing about bike commuting is, it’s kinda awesome AND it’s kind of a big equalizer. I think the equalization is what people like Mitt Romney don’t like. You will get passed by a dude in his construction job clothes riding a $30 Walmart bike. You will get passed by women in spandex on road bikes who won’t even

I’ve tried it a couple times now, for long stretches. It’s really hit or miss for me- sometimes it will play a whole bunch of music that I didn’t know I wanted to hear and that’s fantastic. Other times it gets locked in a loop of 70s and 80s rock stuff that, yes, I have saved in my liked songs but really, really

Actually, when you’re on a bike it’s the opposite- someone else’s poor planning constitutes an extreme risk to your life.

Yes, because there’s an epidemic of giant cyclists causing death and destruction to pedestrians. Oh, wait, no, that’s pick-up trucks.

Hot Take: You have never been made late because of a bicycle or a bike lane. Never.

I mean if you’re going to go for it, go for it.
Panama Red
China White
Meth Blue
Chase the Dragon Green
Opium Poppy Yellow
Fresh Needle Silver
Junkie Complexion Gray

I feel like these things should all be on a bingo card. Or like pokemon- can you catch them all in the wild?

OK, I’ll bite on the steering wheel tray- it would be nice to be able to put my laptop up on something when I’m hanging out in the car at my kiddo’s practices.

The Microlino. It’s a tiny electric updated BMW Isetta. Room for 2 and trunk space for “3 cases of beer,” a max speed of 55 mph and a range of around 130 miles. This is literally everything I need for about 75% of my driving. I’ve got a friend in Switzerland who delights in taking pictures of these tiny forbidden

OK, so my definition of fun might be different than y’alls but...

Reliable: Hyundai Ioniq 5. Because I need something that doesn’t burn gas but can haul me, my girlfriend and our kids a reasonable distance and can haul me and my bike to the local trails. And it looks cool.Lower maintenance, charge it in the garage, all

It’s really easy to make fun of these clowns with their budget law interpretations but let’s not lose sight of the fact that what they are doing isn’t that much different than, say, Elon Musk. Who, as you will recall, seems to believe that because he’s fabulously wealthy, most law (especially financial law) doesn’t

Let me ask you this- if all the places you drive in a day started charging you for parking (your office, the grocery store, Target, Walmart, Walgreens, that cool new restaurant, etc) would you still be interested in driving as much? Like, it now costs you 7.50 to park at the grocery store. $3.50 for the privilege

The issue is the time they waste in transit period (whether they own a car or not) because the inexpensive housing is always a long way from the work. The problem is not public transit, it’s housing. And when we waste HUGE amounts of space on parking for people who own cars, That’s part of the problem.

I was going to say that most HOAs have rules for the color of your mailbox, so there’s probably rules already set up. But then I went to the Culdesac Tempe website, saw the board of directors and thought, yeah, no, they’re just gonna disrupt stuff and figure it out later.

Which is a shame because it seems like a