
Disagree. Indiana is pretty to drive through as long as you aren’t on I-70. Southern Indiana is gorgeous and northern Indiana is really pretty. Ditto Ohio- there’s a lot of really pretty parts as long as you aren’t on I-70.

I think it’s safe to say that I-70 is not showing the good side of any state it passes through.

Nebraska is pretty in it’s own way. I will take Nebraska over Kansas any day.

Illinois. Which is weird because Illinois is an awesome destination. Chicago is an amazing city to visit but it’s a nightmare to drive through and the maze of tollways around Chicago are no better. Then there’s I-39 where there’s nothing to see and nothing other than fast food and iron skillets on the drive.


For GMA money, I’m sure you can find custom exotic element batteries that are usually only used for some obscure purpose due to their astronomical cost but have crazy high power density to weight ratios...

All problems are easy to overcome with enough money.

Of course he can do it. It’s a goal attainable by any manufacturer, as long as price is no object. And if a sub 2,600 pound SUV is what you want to spend 1.5 million bucks on, I’m sure he can build it for you.

Carbon fiber everything for the frame and body, custom made exotic element batteries and a custom containment

Any bumper sticker you put on your car tells criminals about you and they will use this to rob your home, steal your children and force them into satanic cults.

The price seems fine if you plan on keeping it as is and are a soundcloud hip hop enthusiast.

I’m seeing G-500s for 39k with lower miles that look like they haven’t been modded by a teenage pizza delivery guy.
No Dice.

This is like that previous meme about how a prius is worse for the environment than a Hummer, as long as you count the entire supply chain and all mineral extraction costs against the Prius, but don’t count them against the Hummer.

If you don’t believe that a group coud be so focused on someone else’s personal life, ask the LGBTQIA crowd about that. Especially the Trans community and the panic over who uses what bathroom. Straight people like to think it can’t happen to us, but well, it can.

I get not caring about burning the world, but in a Jeep? a 120k jeep?

I know, we were all being totally paranoid when we said that they were going overturn Roe V Wade, god what a bunch of alarmists we were.

Seriously though, The religious right wants to control sex. They want to make sure it’s procreational, not recreational.

This is just... insane.
“we can’t sell a sport model without chrome tips! how else will anyone know it’s a sports model?”

I miss the days of cars where they basically hid the exhaust to make it look more aero. Like the original Ford Taurus.


Why, in the face of all the climate shit we are seeing is someone building this behemoth, why would someone actually buy it... Just, Why?

Please understand that there’s nothing you can do to placate these people. They have a plan, and that plan is to control who has sex, when they have sex and how they have sex. They won’t stop with banning abortion or banning gay marriage. They will go after divorce, they will go after sex toys, they will go after

But, that’s always been a thing on Star Trek, whether or not the newer... trumpian? fans like it or not.

I mean, inclusive on screen doesn’t mean that things are awesome for the actors involved. Star Trek has always made a point to project diversity and inclusivity but yeah, things for the actors involved have definitely sucked.

Right but, 21 stages vs 1 race per weekend- it’s a lot and I can see why someone would protest there- huge audience, big media coverage.

Also, everyone I know who’s been to the tour drives there, and drives from stage to stage.

OK, yes it’s a bicycle race but the circus parade of sponsor vehicles that precedes the peleton and the massive number of team buses, cars and then motorcycles shooting the footage, not to mention all the cars and busses that take spectators to and from each stage... it’s got a carbon footprint that’s pretty fucking

For most people, that’s the reality of “camping”- There are plenty of places where you can do real backpacking/bikepacking/canoe camping/wilderness stuff, but you can’t take a motor vehicle with you- there are places up nort’ where there are some forest service roads and things like that but in general, that’s more of

Here’s the thing with “Easier to set up-” Yes, it will always be easier to set up than any conventional tent. However, Once you’ve set your tent up a couple times, it only takes like 3 or 4 minutes to set up by yourself, in the dark anyway. And when you inevitably wake up in the middle of the night needing to pee, you