
It’s nice to see someone other than Belfour refer to Belfour as a legend. The guy just misses being on the long list for GOAT because he was no better than the fourth best of his era, but still a first-ballot talent.

If you’re an NBA player with a cat, or if you are an NBA player’s cat, make yourself known.

J.R. Smith misread this and immediately started following this account, hoping it would tell him where to find some pussy.

A: No one is suggesting that we take confederate flags away from individuals.

I love this article...

I think my favorite thing about all the think pieces on Ballers so far is how angry people are getting that the show is actually showing the reality of the NFL, and how, yeah, sometimes it fucking sucks to be young, rich, and wealthy when you have no idea what you’re getting into and what that might potentially mean.

The fucking LeBrons or whatever

Somber silliness is part of what made this show a Whole Thing last year, sure, but only a part, a third at best, and the other two pieces of the Triforce—Matthew McConaughey’s superhuman ability to make goofball nihilism sing and a credulous, super-jazzed online mob vying to conspiracy-theorize the whole shebang to

Yeah, if women want to not get threatened they should just stop using the Internet. If you don’t want to get mugged or raped you should just not leave your house. Wow, like, it’s not even that hard!

Alternatively: “Don’t Do This Shitty Thing And Speak Up If You See Others Doing It.”

exactly. I couldn’t be a male unless I can threaten to shit down a womans throat. I’m glad someone gets it.

Guys can joke about it with each other but women call the police because the guys know that they’re not under any real, serious threat of stalking, doxxing or actual death or violence threats. Women can’t know that, in fact they’re quite wise to think the opposite, as they can draw on examples of real life doxxing and

I can say very comfortably that I’m far more interested in this than The Last Guardian. So glad a studio known for FPS games has the balls to try something new. Looks fucking amazing.

If the pilot had actually been shown first, the skepticism would have ended when Mal walks back on the ship near the end and just shoots the fed.

"Oh I got it, I'm good. Best thing for everyone. I'm right there with you."

My skepticism was strong, but I am but a mortal man and my skepticism had...weaknesses.

Ha, I read the title and thought, "I hope it's the bit when Mal kicks that guy into the engine." Happy to have been proved right, it's such a great moment.

All those problems would have never been on the radar if Fox had aired the episodes in order. The Train Job isn't in a place where it "rushes to try and establish a whole host of characters and situations" because the two hour pilot already did that in a fantastic and amazing way.