
Exactly, although they thought they were voting for the Save Me From All the Scary Brown People party.

The problem is Democrats cannot fix these voters’ problems if these voters keep electing Republicans who will block all the legislation that could fix those problems.

President of Leavenworth maybe.

it is about individual congressmen. If any of them see a very red district flip to a democrat, they might start worrying about how their relationship with trump could effect things in their own district.

This shit for brains forgets that if it was up to trump, Giannis and Thon Maker would be deported.

If the GOP loses the Georgia election, they have to know it is because of trump, so will that finally convince them that they need to stop supporting him and get rid of his ass?

The FBI could do it.

Basically Trump told NK that if they did a missile or nuclear test he was going to attack. They called his bluff and did it anyway. The test failed for some reason so NK looked foolish, but more significantly, Trump did not respond despite his threats.

Hopefully the FBI’s proactive policing of the Trump administration pays off soon with this guy behind bars with the rest of them.

You would only need one state if it is Florida, Ohio, or some other swing state that both candidates think they need to win. If a candidate could not get on the ballot in an important swing state like that without releasing their returns, then they would have to release them or else totally give up on that state and

So almost $10 million per ISIS soldier.

And find out if your STATE is considering one of these laws that requires tax returns in order to be on the ballot. There are a lot of states that are considering it so call your state representatives to demand they vote for it as well.

Not sure if it makes me feel better or worse that Pence is going there...

Surprised it was not Bowling Green’s first responders.

Don’t forget, and flip to the FBI.

If you combine them you actually get Trump.

That is when Tiffany pounces.

Two possible scenarios...

And of course flip to the FBI on everyone in the russia investigation

If a democrat wants to run in one of these deep red distrcits they should run as an independent and say they hate the democratic party. Then adopt every standard democrat issue.