
I said they probably did keep some.

Well yes, maybe they lied and never removed any of them. Or maybe they removed most of them and kept some hidden. Or it is also possible that they did get rid of all of them, but then just got more once trump was elected. Or maybe they stored them all in Russia and once trump was elected Putin sent them back. There

I bet you Obama thought a strike was a bad idea too so he went to Congress because he knew they would vote against him on it.

Thank god for unintended consequences.

I guess I am missing what you are saying... But the point is, Assad did not use Sarin gas again while Obama was in office. So although it was only the best of Obama’s many bad choices, it prevented the use of Sarin until now.

It seems to be working for Russia right now in Washington DC.

All of this!


In a vacuum where Assad gasses his people I might be ok with some sort of retaliatory action if it was engaged in by a sober, smart leader who was known to take every potential scenario and figure out which was the least bad one.

In a vacuum where Assad gasses his people I might be ok with some sort of retaliatory action if it was engaged in by a sober, smart leader who was known to take every potential scenario and figure out which was the least bad one.

Super Bowl!

Also don’t forget McCain gave us Trump by introducing the beta version of Trump, aka Sarah Palin. Trump used her playbook as the template for his entire candidacy.

Certainly not Trump’s plan. He just does what he is told. The only real info they would need to somehow sneak/signal to Trump is which airfield is acceptable to hit.

No team is going to win a championship when their best player is Drake.

The boners that these attacks gave McCain and Lindsey Graham will protect Trump for another three months.

Just trying to make like Russia is not in charge, and is also excellent distraction to everything else.

Or Putin helping Trump....

Another interesting factoid... apparently Syria has Russian made missile defense systems that are capable of taking out tomahawk missiles.

Reports say the base has a capacity for 12-15 planes and only has two runways. Maybe that is the reason they launched the gas attacks from that location. So if/when there was a retaliation, it would be on an insignificant airbase.

This... Putin will now help reign in Assad for relief of sanctions.