
Basically, that just means we don't know everything yet. Finding new stuff that doesn't fit the model is the only way the model improves. If we don't have any surprises, then it's just mapmaking, not science. So we shouldn't be all "Oh, no, this violates our cosmological model!" We should be all "Oh, AWESOME!

Drop a line to Buckaroo1701 at Yahoo, and I'll give you more precise help that I don't want to share publicly.

I miss you, Rappin' Jake.

I don't know what to tell you. Except… we've got CM.

We're actually still trying to find an adequate way to fill the gap that the ending of these weekly gatherings made in our hearts. But there are groups that have formed to attempt to salve the loss. This may be our last communication, but if you've made it this far, and not taken advantage earlier, or if you're

This is where we go "Ensign Kim was a regular? How come I don't remember him in more than say six or seven episodes?"

Check your "Other" folder, as I requested above, Newton! :)

Replying for Mal just so she can see my response to Pizza Pizza.

Well, just sent you a message on FB, then!

Really, though, so many of the old traditionals were Christian or religion-inspired, you can't really get rid of the influence entirely. How many of the classical pieces Trek is so fond of were church music?

Look up in the earlier comments! I did a big long thing for Cookie Monster, and it worked!


See, I also like that nonresolution because they do understand each other's point: "Klingons be loving war" "Humans be all weird and unhappy about good clean massacres". But it doesn't stop their liking each other, either, that they don't try to bridge the gap.

Hear, hear.

Hey, join us on FB! We have cookies… monster…

Why choose?

Tell me you use facebook, my inebriated friend!

Entirely understandable. I am also a member of the G+ community, but I just don't check G+ all that often.

I've done my best to make it the standard, and these days, I have difficulty remembering the character's actual name.

I dunno… I can think pretty drunk.