
For Cookie or others who want to join the group:

Prole's a really good guy. I wish he posted more, but I understand he lurks and that's just fine.

Honestly, I think we were more excited than anything. Like, you'd mention Damar, or say something about Kai Winn or Eddington or something, and we'd be like "Oooh, dang, he's gonna plotz when we get there!" We were really looking forward to your reactions to what we knew was coming, because I, for one, felt you'd

Oh hell, they're taking City Hunter off? I have to finish that, then! Such a neat combo of awkward romance drama and caper/kung fu action.

Never change, Patrick. Never change.

Eeeeeehhhh… that's really splitting hairs. Mercantilism is one expression of basic capitalism, just as supposedly-free-market capitalism is another. They're both capitalistic in their behaviors and methods, but their goals are somewhat different. Your perspective has to be myopic, or your personal definitions

These are support upvotes.

Might be better in the original Klingon… but likely not.

Liked for robot fisting.


Well, Dark Shadows, and other stuff. Yes, it has been popular before. But you're right, it was out of fashion, and the transition back into fashion has been comparatively recent.

The difference is that people like Gowron would just conduct business as usual. I think the implication is that Martok knows the lie and knows the ideal, and also knows how to work WITH others like the Federation. Martok is the best possible true Klingon (sorry, Worf), and as such, he's given the power to forge a

The Mancontent better watch out!

Both Mrs. Peel and the Cardinal (Jr.) make occasional appearances on the FaceBook group. It's rather a shame they won't be doing VOY or ENT reviews; I'm sure Richelieu Jr. would have a great deal to discuss with Enterprise.

I think he's projecting from his own species.

Fair enough, good sir. You're right, you don't appear to be a wine kind of guy.

My favorite band used to be BRRRKSZAAAAKKKK FFFFFIIIIZZZAAAAKKKPPPPTT. They were better before everybody heard about them.

(I love and will "like" any moon-destroying reference in the context of Bajor's moons. It's a reflex, by this point)

Now now…. in a few hundred years, if we're all still around, some AI is going to find those things, become a huge fan, and remaster and reupdate them in about forty-five seconds. Just find a way to stick around until then, Yuri!

And you two point out something great about this group of commentators; one of you phrased something poorly, another pointed it out, and instead of flames or hard feelings, we get a re-explanation, and then agreement. There are only a few public places on the internet that encourage this sort of transaction, and I'm