Buck Abraw II, Son of Buck Abraw

I thought that this was a fantastic episode. Episodes that could basically be teaching aids in a critical thinking or English composition course are among my favorites. The awful logic and fallacious thinking out of the Gang almost matched The Cereal Defense, particularly Mac’s “Science is a Liar, Sometimes” argument. 

Am I the only one who feels kinda bummed that what was a sweet moment for Charlie and Dee emotionally supporting one another with their beatboxing and no beaks in chicken sandwiches has now been revealed to lead to Dee raping Charlie?

“Hero or Hate Crime?” was the last classic, but this is up there as the latest one.

It’ll be a flashback ep like the World Series Defense was, I’d wager. I look forward to the Gang defending themselves in a Minneapolis courtroom.

I think that this is like many abuse-based problems that seem to be growing - namely, it happened at the same rate farther back than the last ten or twenty years, but it was never reported because abusers had cover from society in a way that they don’t now. 

It’s Trader Joe’s Shade Grown Ethiopian. Yirgacheffe is the best region for coffee, IMO, and those beans from TJ’s are insanely rich and strong and delicious.

Nah, it’s fine. Nazis advocate for the extermination and subjugation of whole peoples, so beating the shit out of one is always a good check. Violence is not fun or enjoyable (unless it’s in a video game or action movie), but violence is sometimes necessary against the very worst elements of society, specifically

I’m so glad to see that people replied with some variation on “language is first and foremost meant to be functional; if you want to hear or read‘proper English’ so badly, watch your five ‘o clock newscast rather than reading a message board post.”

I’ve got to say, I’ve never raised my tip from a mandated 18% to 20%, and I didn’t even know that was a thing. I give 20% - 25% whenever I go out and get a table except for in instances where the 18% is mandated.

(And by the first “those people,” I meant your friends, unlike my other uses of “those people,” which refer to Trump voters. I notice that my writing is full of unnecessary pronouns if I don’t stop to quickly read what I’m posting.)

Exactly! If those people can reject thinking that is wrong and immoral when an ounce of critical thought is applied, then why can’t the others who learn racist or sexist or homophobic or whatever type of thinking that they’ve learned? The truth is that those people like that way of thinking. They want a caste system

No two experiences are exactly comparable if we’re going down that route, so in the interests of making broad comparisons (which is all that we can do, and which I think is fair), I expect better from people because I know that what you are taught and what you believe when you mature are almost never the exact same

I find that Napoleon is a nerd, but very confident in his nerdiness, and that makes the movie all the more appealing. It’s a movie about how people who are “weird” cope with being out of place in their environment, but unlike many of those movies, Napoleon isn’t going to try and totally reinvent himself or his tastes;

I learned that gay and trans people aren’t as good as me, and then I, you know, took it upon myself to think about those things and meet people. I thought about why what I learned was wrong and changed my mind. I empathized with people who got shit on for no reason but genetics or how their brains developed or what

I’m a black American, so I think I understand generational poverty pretty well from a historical and personal context. I also understand that my experience with generational poverty doesn’t cause me to vote for people who will push policies that explicitly hurt white people, but I can’t say the same (replacing “white

Nah, they’re not people. They’re racist animals. Fuck ‘em.

White Feminists vs. Twitter is the hardest decision that I’ve had to make, Sophie’s Choice-style, in awhile.

I’m just going to disagree. I really hated Hudsucker and everything about it. I found it irritating rather than charming or anything.

“and the movie, if admittedly the Coens’ worst”

“’Making statements such as these as a means to justify not being arrested are unusual in my experience as a law enforcement officer and I believe further demonstrate the suspect’s level of intoxication,’ the officer wrote in the report.”