Buck Abraw II, Son of Buck Abraw

Top Five

I’ll be okay with this if the producers of Jeopardy! just pay Pat Kiernan whatever it takes to get him to move to CA from NY and host this show. 

This is why he shouldn’t bother running again in 2020. He’ll never make it out of the states with black-heavy voting populations that are loaded up front into the primaries. He’ll win IA and NH, then get shelled in SC and a bunch of other southern states and fade. 

Case in point: Who built the South’s agrarian economy? Black people.

A lot of white people are good people that work hard, but the majority of white Protestants are lazy and stupid, and their representative, Trump, is lazy and stupid and only rich because his daddy stole from hard-working real Americans.

The fuck are you talking about, white trash? There are many places in Africa that are nice to be at all times of the year. Or did you not know that “Africa” is a continent with a diverse range of places. Some aren’t nice, but some places in America (rural areas, the Midwest, the third-world-esque places that dot the

Don’t you worry, he was racist.

Shut up until you actually learn the definition of racism, you worthless dumb fuck. 

I have eaten here, and I visit the area often (Stanley Park is gorgeous, by the way, and the aquarium is dope). I tried to find the email address for the Tea House to send them a message that I wouldn’t be back until they re-hired the manager, but I couldn’t find it. Does anyone know whom I should be emailing or what

And the person wearing it is a worthless excuse for a human being. Fuck ‘em. 

I am just so happy for Kia Stevens as a big Awesome/Amazing Kong fan. She is the best, and in interviews she seems like such a sweet person, and she beat up that trash human Bubba the Love Sponge, and she also is a fantastic television actor on top of it. I hope she wins a Supporting Actress nom at the Emmys because

No one cares, racist. You are arguing to say the n-word BECAUSE YOU ARE RACIST.

OK, I get it! You’re AGAINST equality. You think that white people and black people should be treated differently, but that they should somehow be able to use the same words even though they are used in different contexts.

Right, equal treatment! That’s good!

So you’re against equality? Yes or no?

Oh, so you’re NOT for equality, then? You want equal use of the word, but you don’t want equal context for using it? Why didn’t you just admit that you’re against equality in the first place?

Did I ever say that we have time for all discrimination but this one? No. I know that you racist concern trolls are usually better at strawman fallacies than this. You’ve got to do better. Ask your Stormfront buddies how this works.

Sure, go for it, though I’d imagine that you’ve secretly thought that in your head in the past whenever you have rooted for the systemic oppression of black people.

No, but that’s a strawman fallacy. You’ve put words in my mouth. No one said that actual discrimination faced by Asian people should be put on the backburner.

I still haven’t seen the new GBBO, but as a fan of Noel Fielding because of that one “Year in Review” program that he was so often on, I’m excited to see that too. Last I heard, PBS was waffling on bringing it over.