Buck Abraw II, Son of Buck Abraw

OK, I’ll make you a deal. As soon as we end systemic racism toward black people, which you admit is the much bigger deal, then we can turn our attention toward who gets to say racial slurs. 

No, it’s not, but that’s because you don’t know what racism is. You are so ignorant that you think “black people using a word themselves that they’ve reclaimed from actual racists” and “can’t get a loan, but can be shot by cops while unarmed during a traffic stop, which the system itself makes sure to continue doing


John Singleton - Boyz ‘n the Hood still holds up as a film, but nothing else he’s done has ever been at that level. Snowfall might be the closest he’s come to that sort of quality. IIRC, he was attached to a Luke Cage film project in the early ‘00s that I always wondered about, and if that character weren’t in a TV

Sierra Madre is the hardest of the add-ons with the life-choking miasma and the really fast enemeies, which is a shame since it’’s the first one that you should play since the themes that I discuss are introduced there and are built upon by the next three DLC stories. I don’t blame you for putting it down there. If

Shut up, racist. 

In my estimation, New Vegas might be the best video game ever made. It certainly has some of the best writing in video games.

I wonder if she eats pork products of any kind. Probably,  like most of the evangelicals I know who love to pick and choose from the Bible. 

I got all five easily, but at this point in my life, that’s something that I’m not particularly proud of. 

Don’t worry about it. It’s just assumed that when shit is fucked up, a bunch of white dudes are making the fuck up happen. We’re used to not naming them. 

Shut the fuck up and keep MLK’s name out of your mouth. You need to go talk to the actual racists running the levers of power, but that would take work and honesty. Lame ass white dude. 

It’s not new. You’re just ignorant. 

Ah, white people.

LOL, if all it takes for you to align yourself with a racist is getting called out on your racism, then you were a useless excuse for a human being who was always going to make bad choices anyway. Don’t put responsibility for Trump on anyone except for the people who voted for that subhuman trash bag.

If it makes you feel better, it deserved total dismissal. 

Does this show make fun of Roseanne for being an asshole, kinda like how All in the Family made fun of Archie Bunker?

I think that Zelda II is an interesting failure. Once I realized that the Souls games are basically doing that game in a 3D space, I got why some people really like Zelda II.

Great. Who gives a shit? Especially when it comes to video game reviews, the lowest possible form of criticism.

This is probably not a popular position, but I would argue that The Running Man is legitimately one of the greatest dystopian works ever written, on par with Orwell’s 1984, Huxley’s Brave New World, and Zamyatin’s We. 

Sofia Coppola makes interesting movies. I wouldn’t say that any of them are great, but they’re not boring, that’s for sure. They’re worth watching just to think about what she did with them. Marie Antoinette is the pinnacle of her movies for me just for that reason.