Buck Abraw II, Son of Buck Abraw

I think Seven and Fight Club are both enough to put him above “B+,” but yeah, I don’t like anything he’s done post-those movies. 

Thank you. Don’t even think it was nominated for best picture the year that it came out, but it was my personal “best film of 2006.”

Can’t co-sign Pac. He had multiple great albums. Down 4 My Niggaz, Makaveli - The 7 Day Theory, Me Against the World...

It’s almost like you don’t understand the definition of the word “objective,” so I’m just going to dip out of this conversation here until you learn what words mean. 

I really like Majora’s Mask, and I enjoy the time-loop gameplay quite a lot. I wouldn’t be against someone disagreeing with me on the strength of that game. 

I’m a weirdo who thinks that Link’s Awakening is the best Zelda game. It’s like at the nexus of B+/A-. I actually don’t enjoy Link to the Past very much, even though it’s a pretty well-made game. 

I liked Winter’s Bone a lot, obviously because of her performance, so I know that she’s very talented. Note: I haven’t seen Mother! yet, so I figured that she would be the weakest mention on my list. 

*More willing to have an argument about Reasonable Doubt being on that list than Ready to Die, my bad.

I mean, I can’t put Ready to Die, which I like very much, on the same level as a Paid in Full or a Madvillainy or an Illmatic. It doesn’t hold up to the level of those other albums. I also wouldn’t say that Reasonable Doubt is top 25. The Black Album, yeah. But I’d be more willing to have an argument about Reasonable

Nah, Ready to Die isn’t even top-25. Second-best all-time? That seems crazy to me. 

I don’t think that Back to the Future is a good movie, and yeah, yeah, I know, but I really don’t. It’s fine, I guess. There is that dropped subplot with the Libyans, and also, fuck that movie for having Michael J. Fox be the creator of rock ‘n roll. Fuck outta here with that. 

Music: The Notorious BIG

The only thing that sucks about Seinfeld is the finale, which actually would be appropriate for It’s Always Sunny.

This is a conversation between black folks, so no one gives a fuck how you feel about this conversation. Why do white people keep thinking that their feedback is needed for this conversation? I don’t step into feuds between the white women at Jezebel and the, I don’t know, two white women who write for Red State or

OK, white dude (and I know you are because this post reads like a white dude trying to sound like the white version of “woke”) who is here telling me that this hasn’t been called the American continent forever, including both Canada and the U.S.

Mmm...not a good look. This is a weak clapback.

OK, champ, sure. 

Wow, some of y’all mo’fuckas really hate fat people, I see. Damn, what is wrong with some of y’all?

Maybe this is a U.S.-centric thing, but “America” encompasses the American continent, so...yeah, she’s from America. Just because people from the U.S., myself shamefully included, call ourselves “Americans” as if we’re the only people here and only the U.S. matters, it doesn’t change the facts. 

When things are socially and legally equivalent between people and the history of white people demonizing, then stealing and locking out, non-white people from capitalizing on their own ideas (like, I don’t know, all of rock ‘n roll’s history), I can take seriously your “bu-bu-bu, it’s just sharing ideas! Don’t you